Recent content by Silver1212

  1. S

    2 Gold Badges for Sale

    Unfortunately, it turns out that I definitely won't be able to attend this year, so I have 2 Gold Badges to sell. Face value - $135 each I believe. First contact gets em. Email at jeffinpc at yahoo dot com. Thanks! Jeff.
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    Selling Gold Badges...

    ROFL! I can't believe I did that...of course Lance King! LOL Talk about a faux paux (or however you spell that). Sorry Lance! Been listening to Lance KING since Balance of Power days. Ordered so many CDs from his company once, all with his bands (Pyramaze, Defyance, BoP) that he actually...
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    Selling Gold Badges...

    SOrry about not emailing you Glenn....I actually had yahoo open to do so, but figured you'd be busy with the show not so far away at this point! :) And Sumeet, that's exactly what I'd like to do.......... ;) Especially this year. Always been a big fan of Lance Bass' vocals. Was REALLY...
  4. S

    Selling Gold Badges...

    Ok, I apologize if this has been asked before or if it's posted somewhere else.... Work has seen fit to schedule me for a conference the same weekend as PP, so I might not be able to use the gold badges I bought. What's the process for selling them (2) if I need to? Work is such a downer...
  5. S

    Anyone else come home sick?

    Nope. not just you.... I feel like crap too. Same thing - bad cold with really sore throat. Jeff.
  6. S

    Music played over the Earthlink PA...

    The Epica song they played was called Sensorium. By the time you read this you've probably figured it out already ;) And I definitely agree...a must own album if you like the symphonic/operatic-female fronted thing. Jeff.
  7. S

    Recommend me some prog metal

    I'll second that on Poverty's No Crime. Also if it hasn't been mentioned check out Power of Omens. Singer sound identical to Geoff Tate....... Not sure you'd classify Pagan's Mind as pure Prog Metal but it's good stuff too. Ivory Tower not too bad either.......... Jeff.
  8. S

    i need names of fantasy metal bands!

    And speaking of Rhapsody, Luca Turilli has two solo albums which are really good. Basically Rhapsody without the Rhapsody name. King of the Nordic Twilight is REALLY good. Also (going through my CD collection): Avantasia, Demons & Wizards, Dragonforce, Dragonland, Freedom Call, Galloglass...
  9. S

    THERION - any advice?

    Hey all. I have all the opera metal discs that Therion's done and I'd have to say my favorites are Deggial and Secret of the Runes. I have the Korean version which has 3 extra tracks (though not all of them are operatic - including a cover of Summernight City). Vovin comes in a close...
  10. S

    Your recommendation...

    Also check out Time Requiem. Good band I've just gotten into. Little more on the power metal side though. Jeff.
  11. S

    Will Nightwish play the Gary Moore song "Over The Hills And Far Away" @ Propower 4?

    According to all the setlists I've seen so far from NW's tours this year they've played it at every one! So I'd think they'd do it here too :) Jeff.
  12. S

    Circle II Circle Question for Glenn

    Gotta put my vote in for Walls too. At first I was a little leary of the album, but that one song completely turned me around. After listening to that 40000 times I finally gave the rest of the album a listen and really can't wait to see C2C play! Fields of Sorrow is another one I'd love to...
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    Ok, I'm probably (definitely) biased here, but I love all of Nightwish's stuff. As far as an intro to the band - well I would have to say that Angel's Fall First is their weakest album, and not really all that close to their current stuff. I agree with Mephistopheles that Oceanborn and...
  14. S

    pre party .. meet the bands?

    Gotta put my .02 in there......definitely nice to see band members posting! Looking forward to seeing C2C and everyone else at the show! Jeff.
  15. S

    The Promoter's Poll

    Well, I gotta say, I' didn't know about 75% of the bands, and now that I have heard most of em I'm really looking forward to it. Not really into the deathier sounds that a couple had, but actually looking forward to that too - just cause it's something different. Jeff.