Recent content by SpiritCrusherBTR

  1. SpiritCrusherBTR

    Carcass - "Heartwork"

    Heartwork is one of my top five favorite albums ever! I love it...sure it shows that Carcass were headed towards a more mainstream sound, but the musicianship is beyond genius and just...the whole album fucking slays is all I can say. Necrotocism owns too...that's my other favorite. I actually...
  2. SpiritCrusherBTR

    Morbid Angel - Overrated?

    Morbid Angel is an amazing band. A few releases I do find quite boring, but especially albums like "Altars Of Madness", "Blessed Are The Sick", and "Domination" fucking own all. It's undeniable that they are no matter what one of the most influential death metal bands ever.
  3. SpiritCrusherBTR

    Corns new video.

    If an actual metal band made a video like that I would find it enjoyable, but as already said, Korn are guilty of everything they condemn and the video is just too contradictory to even imagine taking seriously. Secondly, that has to be one of the most horrible songs I ever heard...ever.
  4. SpiritCrusherBTR

    Bands that blew your mind...

    That is an excellent topic, I have to say. Queensryche: This is the band that actually got me into heavy metal. Years back I heard them on a televised concert one night flicking through the channels. They were so fucking awesome...heavy, but they were insanely melodic. Never before had I...
  5. SpiritCrusherBTR

    Fav Judas Priest Album!!!!!

    Painkiller Defenders Of The Faith Screaming For Vengeance
  6. SpiritCrusherBTR

    Bello out of Anthrax

    Anthrax seem to be a very, very confused band nowadays, don't they?
  7. SpiritCrusherBTR

    Alice In Chaines.....???!!!!

    You can't have Alice In Chains without Layne Staley. His unique voice was one of the most notable points of the band. And no matter what anyone says...they're fucking metal.
  8. SpiritCrusherBTR

    Overkill ..... Kill Box

    Incredible album and you're right. Blitz has more conviction and energy than ever before. Brilliant album. DEEEEEEEVVVVIIIIL BY THE TAAAAIIILLL!!!!
  9. SpiritCrusherBTR

    Head Banging

    Deal with the's part of the experience!
  10. SpiritCrusherBTR

    power metal, the guilty pleasure

    A large majority of my favorite bands are power metal...fucking amazing music! HELLOWEEN (my favorite), Grave Digger, Running Wild, Stratovarius, Gamma Ray, Blind Guardian, Rage, Jag Panzer...I can go on forever, man.
  11. SpiritCrusherBTR

    Metal Blade vs. Earache

    Earache...Morbid Angel and CARCASS is all I need to say.
  12. SpiritCrusherBTR

    Favorite Carcass song?

    Buried Dreams, Heartwork or The Mortal Coil.
  13. SpiritCrusherBTR

    this thread is dedicated to you

    Finding comfort in insanity is beautiful, isn't it?
  14. SpiritCrusherBTR

    outgrowing metal

    I can't way I've ever been as passionate about anything besides metal. It makes me ultimately comfortable and happy, you know? No matter what kind of day you have, metal will always be there to be a release. I am musician and I want to spend my life as one...even if my band never becomes a huge...
  15. SpiritCrusherBTR

    The Most Touching Song Ever

    Metropolis by Dream Theater and Perennial Quest by Death.