Recent content by ted leonard

  1. T

    Queen of the Informed

    mind if I chime in? First off let me make clear that I am not a very politcal person. I find gaping holes in the logic and objectivity of both sides as one leans further to the right OR left. I have a hard time getting behind either party which is why when a political conversation arises I...
  2. T

    Just curious

    Yikes, if I had to pick one Kansas song it might not be from Masque though that is still one of my favorite albums. My favorite song from that album is probably 'The Pinnacle.' Favorite song all time? uhhhhhhh maybe 'Closet Chronicles' from POKR or 'Incident on the Bridge' from Drastic...
  3. T

    Ted's CD is here!!!!!!!

    Wow! Thanks Kristin...hope you don't mind if I use your assesment in CDBABYs review section. By the way y'all it's up in CDBABY here's the link: but I'll still sell them from home if you prefer a signed copy Ted
  4. T

    Ted's CD is here!!!!!!!

    I can send anywhere. Shipping to Germany is about $6 for 1 and about $1 for each additional. Ted
  5. T

    Ted's CD is here!!!!!!!

    It will be available at by next week or: You can order directly from me by using my Paypal's easy and secure. The price ordering directly from me is $14+shipping and handling. Simply send an e-mail to and include: 1. Number of CD's you want...
  6. T

    NEW MUSIC will have the album on their site by next week. They will also provide digital distribution. Theoretically I should see money from either(which will be a nice change from being on a label). I will post a link here and on my myspace page as soon as I have one. Thank you all for...
  7. T

    Ted's new myspace page

    here is the url check it out let me know what you think. Ted
  8. T


    here you go check it out Ted
  9. T


    I'm working on it. It's up as we speak but I have no clue about HTML so it looks pretty lame right now.
  10. T


    It should be back from duplication around the October 11th at which point I will make it available through CD BABY and Itunes, Napster, and Rhapsody. Ted
  11. T


    Hey y'all there are 3 samples up of my new album. The first two have Nick D'ivirgilio on drums the last one is our beloved Mr. Flanegan. Everything else you hear is yours truly recorded in my guest room. Enjoy....or not....either way be nice...