Recent content by Thor Intrepid

  1. Thor Intrepid

    WVUA-Tuscaloosa, AL NO

    That sucks dude. Regular radio has been circling the drain ever since grunge became fashionable (my Sophomore year at college when Nirvana hit). Sattelite radio is the only radio I listen to now when I am not listening to CDs. I think it is rediculous that I have to listen to the radio at a...
  2. Thor Intrepid


    Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine Balls out thrash, tons-o-riffs, wicked breakdowns, brilliant! #2 Primal Fear -Seven Seals #3 Gamma Ray - Majestic
  3. Thor Intrepid

    It is a rip-off of local, unsigned artists. They basically make you pay to play (like Jack Koshick[sp?]) and you have to sell tickets to make your money back. The tickets go for anywhere between $10.00 to $20.00 a piece. For a local band that plays out a lot, why would some pay that when they...
  4. Thor Intrepid

    progressive or power?

    I love just about all types of metal except anything that has 'core' attached to it; particulary Mallcore that the Hot Topic crowd seems to think is metal (read: Slipknot).
  5. Thor Intrepid

    The mosh pit debate.....

    I hate moshers. Especially when they bump into me and make me spill my $$$ cup of beer. Is it just me, or does 'moshing' seem mildly homoerotic?
  6. Thor Intrepid

    PPVI Sampler Favorites

    Uh, um, "creative differences". :) I was actually suprised to see that that track was on the sampler! I missed out going to the show this year, I was too late in the ticket purchase (already sold out). Although I did get to see Therion (the main reason why I wanted to go to PP this year)...
  7. Thor Intrepid

    Looking for Ezra Stone & Nick from Redemption

    I didn't know that the band (Ezra Stone) was still doing anything and was suprised to hear that the last song we (those that left) recorded was on the compilation CD. Four of us (vocals, keys, drums, and guitar) left to form a new band. I closed the account to after I left...
  8. Thor Intrepid

    PPVI Sampler Favorites

    That Ezra Stone track was the last one a bunch of us (four of the six Ezra Stone members) played on before leaving to form Archaic Reign. I am glad you liked it. It is also the first recording I did with my Engl Powerball amplifier.
  9. Thor Intrepid

    Take a break

  10. Thor Intrepid

    ProgPower USA VI: SOLD-OUT

    Damn, this was going to be my third. I was away for a couple of weeks and come back to see when in May the tickets go on sale only to learn the event is sold out! Oh well, you snooze you yadda yadda yadda...................
  11. Thor Intrepid

    ProgPower 13 - What shirt will you wear? ;)

    Superman. I like superheros.
  12. Thor Intrepid

    The next two are....

    Pink Cream 69, worst band name ever.
  13. Thor Intrepid

    So who's gonna be the "1 returning band"?

    I said Angel Dust because Bernd already leaked it. Mayhaps things have changed as a result?