Recent content by ThraxDude

  1. ThraxDude

    Lou Reed and Metallica...

    :lol: That reminded me of this one: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. ThraxDude


    I'm thinking we should add a rule. Rule #1- Get a life.
  3. ThraxDude

    Wow! I won something from WM :-)

    Post a picture of it when you get it! :)
  4. ThraxDude

    Wow! I won something from WM :-)

    Even I'm jealous! It pays to street team, if you're lucky. :grin:
  5. ThraxDude

    Worship music leaked

    "The Constant", "The Giant" and "I'm Alive" are my favorites right now.
  6. ThraxDude

    Anthrax Street Team

    We are having a contest. 1. Go out there and use the fliers for Worship Music: Give some to your local CD store and/or hand them out at a concert. (I used the black and white handbill with 4 fliers per page. It was cheaper that way.) 2. BE COOL. Be polite. If a CD...
  7. ThraxDude

    Zombie Notman

    This may have already been posted. My friend Seth made this video.
  8. ThraxDude

    Anthrax in-studio footage

    Sufferer- I'm thinking we should give you access to the AnthraxNFYT. :lol:
  9. ThraxDude

    What ever happened to good Death Metal

    The new Malevolent Creation "Invidious Dominion" is really good!
  10. ThraxDude

    Worship music leaked

    It took a few listens before I got into it. The Giant is one of my favorites. I love the drums, especially during the chorus! :rock:
  11. ThraxDude

    Worship music leaked

    I emailed Scott about this a year or 2 ago. He replied, "Yeah, the whole record is secretly all about BSG." :lol: And, yes, Starbuck says "We fight em til we can't" a couple times in the series.
  12. ThraxDude

    Worship music leaked

    Thank you for not posting direct links to it! :) :rock:
  13. ThraxDude

    Worship Music

    What's up mutha fuckaaaaaaas? Please don't post direct links to the album. :grin: (For obvious reasons.) Thank you. :wave: :kickass:
  14. ThraxDude

    Anthrax interview on Bundy set here

    Awesome! Thanks for posting!
  15. ThraxDude

    Official Anthrax Big 4 Pre-Party

    I wish I could go to this!!! You’re Invited to the Official Anthrax Big 4 Pre-Party! Where: Hard Rock Cafe at Yankee Stadium When: Noon on Wednesday 9/14 -- Anthrax plays at 4 PM EST, so get there early and don’t miss a minute of the Big 4! What: Anthrax themed drinks...