Recent content by zlogdan

  1. zlogdan

    'The Animation Of Entomology' is finally here but no Itunes or Amazon or Cdbaby

    Honestly, I have just sold all my Spastic Ink, Jarzombek and Blotted Science cds. Obviously I will miss the excellent playing of Bob and Pete. I still kept my Watchtower cd as I really like Rick and Doug keyser playing!
  2. zlogdan

    'The Animation Of Entomology' is finally here but no Itunes or Amazon or Cdbaby

    Guess what ? There is a Brazilian Itunes now, but they DO NOT SELL the latest Blotted Science EP. I have ordered John Arch's "A Twist Of Fate" 4 months ago and still this cd has not arrived. To be fully honest, I don't even know why Jarzombek does not even care to respond this post.
  3. zlogdan

    Christian Muenzner "Time warp"

    Christian Muenzner ( Obscura, Spawn Of Possession, Terrestrial Exiled, former Necrophagist ) has released a solo album called "Time warp". It is an incredible instrumental album and blends Sharpnel Records shredder syle with tech death, fusion and a lot more! One of the best albums this year IMO.
  4. zlogdan

    'The Animation Of Entomology' is finally here but no Itunes or Amazon or Cdbaby

    No news about cdbaby right ? I have been thinking of why most digital media stores, emusic, itunes, amazon etc do not sell to Brazil or South America. Also, given the fact that cds cost more here and we have to import - not even including the fact that the costs for shipping are sometimes...
  5. zlogdan

    'The Animation Of Entomology' is finally here but no Itunes or Amazon or Cdbaby

    Hey Ron, that is great, cannot wait to hear it. However I went to and there is no download option to buy 'The Animation Of Entomology' EP. Sadly, neither Amazon nor Itunes sell to Brazil, in fact only cdbaby and mindawn and bandscape sell digital media to Brazil. Of course, I rather...
  6. zlogdan

    A message from the other side of the globe

    Hey Pedro, welcome aboard! :-) I am from Brazil too. 38 and trying to make my kids to like GOOD music. :-) Anyway, I would not worry much with musical tastes from people here in Brazil. I am happy to see young folks listening to excellent music like SA. :notworthy:rock:
  7. zlogdan

    Oyvind Haegeland's influences

    Man, it has been a while since I was amazed by prog metal or anything written by Matheos ( Apsog ). Man, this is going to be killing. John Arch is the man! while ( true ) { :rock::worship::worship:};
  8. zlogdan

    Oyvind Haegeland's influences

    I used to be a big Ral Alder era fan, I still dig it, specially "APSOG" ( one of the best prog metal and metal albums ever ), but once that I got into John Arch, man, FW best moments have him. Well, this album is a must buy, because it has Arch and Bobby Jarzombek. I hope Matheos goes wild on...
  9. zlogdan

    Brothers Grimm

    Hope they release their old album on cd! It would be worth.
  10. zlogdan

    Brothers Grimm

    I like them, yet they seem as you said very Dream Theater-ish. But I read interviews with members where they said that their label push them over way too much to sound like Dream Theater. They are good musicians and there is some raw and technical sound on it that I like.
  11. zlogdan

    Brothers Grimm

    Are you still in contact with them ? Perhaps not, but they surely deserved a remastered version. Another band I like is Altura, with great ideas, but that had the hand of the their label to make their music more mainstream prog metal. Even with this, they split right after their first release.
  12. zlogdan

    Peppered Cancer and School

    This is the only drum DVD I would buy :-) By the way, Dream Theater said to have the "6 best drummers" for the audition and how come they did not invite Bobby Jarzombek ?
  13. zlogdan

    Brothers Grimm

    This is a very good band man and they are very far from mainstream prog metal, actually, a lot more complex than average prog metal, perhaps closest to technical metal style and it is another great band I missed. For example, I only heard Watchtower in 2001. Since them, they became one of my...
  14. zlogdan

    Artisan blog (with update on Spiral Architect)

    Hey the Thrash project sounds great, bay area thrash made my late 80s and early 90s. Are you not even handling a few drum parts ? As for the vocals, there is Russ Anderson, best thrash metal singer ever IMO.