Search results

  1. RCW

    New album I recorded, free download, pop/punk vibe

    Hey, I just finished up a full length for my band Man Oh Man! titled "You're Part Of It". It's not hardcore or metal but I am posting it because I used so much of what I learned here on the forum when recording this album. This forum has helped me out so much! Just want to share this with...
  2. RCW

    rock song for local baseball team

    So this isn't my usual thing but a friend of mines band was asked to record the local baseball teams theme song. I feel like I have a solid mix. Let me know what you guys think...
  3. RCW

    Trade: MOTU 828 mk3 for any protools compatible interface...

    Hey dudes. I have a MOTU 828 mk3 with all original manuals and box. I want to get into pro tools but the MOTU isn't compatible. It has been a dream in reaper and cubase since I have had it. The drivers for mac and osx are rock solid. This unit has more i/o than I could ever use and the a/d...
  4. RCW

    UA 610 or API 2134+ or even.... Manley Slam? Help me

    Hey everyone, My band will be recording a full length album at the end of march. We are doing everything ourselves with an exception of maybe mastering (yet to be decided). Anyway, We plan on renting a really nice preamp to basically run all of the important stuff through. Drums, bass...
  5. RCW

    new tracking strategies... chug/metalcore.

    So I have learned a lot from this forum lately. I figured I would put it all to good use. What I did different this recording: 1. mapped out tempos and recorded scratch guitar first to tempo 2. used slip editing to edit drums... (still...
  6. RCW

    Presonus Studio One? Has anyone used it?

    I am playing with the demo. It seems pretty cool and I like the layout. Has anyone else used it with any luck so far? I am going to either be purchasing Digital Performer or Studio One but I haven't decided which yet. I love Reaper to death but I switched to a mac and prefer using osx. Too...
  7. RCW

    Recording to an SD card?

    Has anyone recorded music to an SD card before? I have an external hard drive but I don't like it. It's not fast enough for the work I am wanting to do. Now before any of you say don't waste your time on an SD card and get an external HD instead... here is my reasoning. I just got a macbook...
  8. RCW

    Recording for FREE/Promotional purposes. What's your opinion?

    Hey everyone, I am thinking about doing a promotional offer in my home town. I would be offering to record one free song for any band until march 15th. I have listed below what I would require in order to do this... Here are the requirements: -Must be a local band. -Must be a standard...
  9. RCW

    Great Recording Laptop (by todays standards...)

    Hey everyone, Just filed my taxes and plan on getting a laptop for mobile recording and mixing purposes. I have done some of my own research and have searched the forum a bit but need some up to date info on what is out right now...
  10. RCW

    Significant Upgrades? Help me out

    Hey everyone, I have been checking out this forum for about last half year. I don't believe I have posted before but have some questions I need answered. I am at the point where I have been pretty happy with the sound I have been getting from my gear but now it just doesn't cut it anymore. So I...
  11. RCW

    A punk mix! Please critique

    Hello everyone, I know this the ultimate metal forum but the only thing I have recorded recently is this punk rock band. I am hoping to get some feedback on what I can improve on as far as mixing and mastering. The musicianship of this band is subpar at best but it is punk after all and I am...