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    Anyone here do Reamping?

    I am trying to learn how to reamp. I don't have the cash to afford a really nice amp or the living situation/space/room too put it in and record it. Currently I have a Schecter Omen 6 w/Passive stock pickups and a M-Audio USB interface. Is this enough for recording? I've heard there are alot...
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    What is Slip Editing...(I READ THE TUTS!)

    I have cubase 5. Can someone give me a quick rundown of what slip editing is, why/how is it useful, what are some common applications of it?
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    Share your guitar recording tricks?

    I know of the one trick where people record at at half tempo and increase tempo for parts with are retardedly complex. I tried this (had a arpeggio at 200 bpm) recorded at 100 bpm... didn't come out right. Cubase just played the drums + bass midi notes faster but my DI track stayed the...
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    I tried recording today, ITS HARD :O!

    Im a newbie guitarist, been playing for about a year and a half now. I know theory like the back of my hand but my technical skills are weak and I like metal :p I'm finally recording and its a PITA, trying to get all the things to sync up correctly, hell today I recorded a 5 second riff and...
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    Anyway to have guitar pro and cubase play at the same time?

    So I can record in cubase while I play along to my guitar pro notation?
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    What do you use to program drums?

    I'm borrowing Superior Drummer 2.0 from a friend, but its not really my cup of tea. I like the ease of use but I can't really change the samples and adding effects is clunky (atleast for me, I can't add the fx I wanna use). I'm trying out the NI Battery 3 Demo with a couple of samples...
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    How to do vocals like this? Its the last 20 seconds of the first track. The deep gutteral "cartoony demon vocals"
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    Help...can't get a good sound out of SF 2.0...

    So I have SF 2.0, and I'm writing out all my drum patterns in guitar pro. I export them as midi and load them into ableton and they're played using SF 2.0. All the samples sound pretty shitty and weak, is there any way I can eq each drum separately or add effects or replace the samples?
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    Post your Favorite AMP Sims (Free/Commercial) and Fav Impulses :D

    Mine: TSE X30 Impulses: Anything by guitar hack :D
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    Looking for an audio interface that I can use without monitors...

    I only have computer speakers. What audio (USB) interfaces will allow me to use my speakers as monitors?
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    Looking to record some demos...which of these should I get?

    My budget is 300 USD. I can buy these: Line 6 Pod XT Live (300 USD) Line 6 Pod Studio UX2 (200 USD) Steinberg CI2 (200 USD) I'm looking to record my guitar and reamp using amp sims all within Ableton. The Line 6 Pod XT Live has a USB output to record. The Pod Studio also has this...
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    I have drums programmed in Guitar Pro...exported as midi...

    I use ableton and have Superior Drummer. How can I use custom dram samples?
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    Help I'm getting THE WORST tone from impulses...

    Okay gear is: Sonar 6 Schecter Omen 6 Digitech RP155 as my DI box??? Im using SoloC and 8505 w/Catharsis's Impulses, I hear everyone getting AWESOME tones, I load up soloc fiddle with its knobs and load an impulse and I get fuzzy/digitalized tone?
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    Someone please help with a simple issue (recording)

    Okay I have SF2.0 and Ableton Live. I wan't to record these 2 scenarios: 1. Guitar no Amp into a an Amp Sim like Voxengo's with Kefir Impulses: 2. Guitar into Peavey XXX combo into Ableton I don't have a Mic, I don't have an Audio Interface. This week I did buy a Digitech RP155. It has a...
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    Need some help with recording guitar

    Okay I have SF2.0 and Ableton Live. I wan't to record these 2 scenarios: 1. Guitar no Amp into a an Amp Sim like Voxengo's with Kefir Impulses: 2. Guitar into Peavey XXX combo into Ableton I don't have a Mic, I don't have an Audio Interface. This week I did buy a Digitech RP155. It has a...
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    Newbie at guitar recording...need some help

    Okay I have SF2.0 and Ableton Live. I wan't to record these 2 scenarios: 1. Guitar no Amp into a an Amp Sim like Voxengo's with Kefir Impulses: 2. Guitar into Peavey XXX combo into Ableton I don't have a Mic, I don't have an Audio Interface. This week I did buy a Digitech RP155. It has a...