Search results

  1. Chimaera

    New Triptykon

    So, yeah... FEBRUARY 7, 2014 - TRIPTYKON ANNOUNCE "MELANA CHASMATA" DETAILS Triptykon's second album, Melana Chasmata (rough translation: "black, deep depressions/valleys") will be released on April 14 (Europe) and April 15 (North America), 2014, through Century Media Records/Prowling...
  2. Chimaera

    New Sabbath

    Figured this was important enough to warrant its own thread. Thoughts?
  3. Chimaera

    Deftones Bassist Dies At 42

    Can't say I listened to the Deftones as much as I should have, but this is still pretty saddening. RIP.
  4. Chimaera

    Post-rock/ Progressive Black Metal

    I'm looking for more bands that mix Black Metal with Post-rock. Bands like Altar of Plagues and Wolves in the Throne Room. I mostly like how vast the music sounds but I also like stuff that successfully mixes in lots of ambient and/or acoustic elements.
  5. Chimaera

    Live Suicide on FOX News

    I figured this was thread-worthy. It's probably going to be all over the place pretty soon. EDIT: Looks like Youtube has started taking down the videos but I'm guessing it'll be re-uploaded constantly for the next few days.
  6. Chimaera

    Anyone know where this is from?

    So I've been listening to this song a lot lately and there's a part that starts at 4:30 and again at 6:25. When I first heard it, I thought I recognised it from somewhere else. Maybe it's just me but, if not, does anybody know what song it's originally from. It's been bugging me...
  7. Chimaera

    The Comic Book/ Graphic Novel Thread

    Since there are threads for just about every other medium, I thought I'd make one for comics and graphic novels. I'm sure there'll be some comic fans on the forum. I only really started reading comics about a year ago so I haven't actually read an awful lot. I've read a few of the classics...
  8. Chimaera

    Funeral Doom

    I'd really like to get into this genre. Most of the songs I've heard have been incredible. It seems like there are a lot of great bands out there and I'm not sure which albums I should pick up. I'll probably get a copy of Thergothon's Stream From the Heavens, as it's meant to be the most...
  9. Chimaera

    Innocent sounding music with a sinister edge

    So this is kind of a specific request. I'm looking for music, not necessarily metal, that has a generally cute and innocent sound but has a sinister feel to it. The only bands I'm aware of with this sound are The Birthday Massacre, Stolen Babies and Battle of Mice. I also like the kind of...
  10. Chimaera

    Type O Negative

    I've recently been listening to a lot of their songs and I'm really enjoying them. It's not the kind of music I would usually listen to but some of their stuff is unbelievably good. They are very deserving of their reputation. I was planning on buying Bloody Kisses and October Rust but what...
  11. Chimaera


    I've been listening to a few tracks from (ob)servant and they sound really solid. I'll definitely be picking up said album but is their other stuff the same, or higher, quality?
  12. Chimaera

    Essay on the effects of Metal on listeners

    So I have to do a discursive essay for my English class and I've decided to do it on the subject of Metal and whether it has negative effects on the people who listen to it. Obviously I'm arguing against this theory so I thought I'd take advantage of my membership here and ask for your opinions...
  13. Chimaera

    Black Metal for someone fairly new to the genre

    I've been aware of Black Metal for about one or two years now but I've never properly got into it. Recently, I've started to become much more interested in the genre. I'm really getting into the band Altar of Plagues and I'll probably buy their debut album, White Tomb, soon. I like the bleak...
  14. Chimaera

    Brutal/ Melodic Hybrids

    I've been listening to a lot of Wormed recently and it got me wondering if there are other bands that fuse brutal death metal with melodic moments or vice-versa. I know the melodic moments in Wormed are quite brief but I'm sure that, if you like the band, you'll probably know what I'm talking...
  15. Chimaera

    "Southern Fried" Death Metal

    Basically, I'm looking for some Death Metal that feels really primitive and evokes images of "off-the-beaten-path" horror movies. I can't explain it very well but I mean stuff like the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre", "The Hills Have Eyes" and "Wrong Turn". Stuff that's really brutal and creepy at...
  16. Chimaera

    Insanely Heavy and Fast Metal

    I was listening to Apocalyptic Feasting by Brain Drill the other day and it got me thinking, I need more extremely heavy metal. So what are some good bands that are just ridicolously fast and heavy? While on the subject, where would I start with The Berzerker?
  17. Chimaera

    Bands Centered Around Greek or Roman Mythology

    Any one know any bands whose music and lyrics contain a heavy focus on Greek or Roman mythology (preferably with the same devotion Nile have towards Egyptian mythology)?
  18. Chimaera

    Celebrities you have met

    I thought it might be interesting to see what famous people everyone has met. You probably won't have heard of most of mine unless you're British but I'll post them anyway. Dr. Bunhead (from Braniac), Anthony Horowitz (author) and John Lughton (youth activist and winner of Big Brother...
  19. Chimaera

    Extremely dark and gritty music

    I'm not quite sure how to explain this but I'll try my best. I'm looking for music that evokes images of dark, creepy, industrial settings, like you would find in games like Silent Hill or Condemned, or movies like Saw or Hostel. Music that would make you feel uncomfortable if you listened to...
  20. Chimaera

    In which order should I buy these albums?

    There are a few albums I'm planning on buying soon but, unfortunately, I cannot afford them all at the moment. So which ones should I buy first and which should I leave for later. Here they are: Cerebral Effusion - Impulsive, Psychopathic Acts Draconian - Where Lovers Mourn Draconian...