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  1. avi

    I wasn't paying attention

    I was logged out. I could see sigs. It was awful. Never again!
  2. avi

    new netrelease

    Tobias Hellkvist + Dead Letters Spell Out Dead Words - White/Grey/Black 25 minutes of epic drone from two of Sweden's finest. free download: cover art...
  3. avi

    alex xfer in the year 2030

    and just in case you haven't seen the original:
  4. avi


    so Azal, are you stoked that your country's fat KD Lang/Rosie O'Donnell lookalike won with that horribly sappy ballad? and what's up with those backup dancers?
  5. avi


    who cares about the show? we made cake for toby and forbes on the occasion of the anniversary of their birth: (it was a good show)
  6. avi

    why so many movies dedicated to *****?

    I mean, c'mon! what gives?
  7. avi

    did you see the AI finale last night?

    Clay Aiken is totally copping Toby's style.
  8. avi

    new netrelease: Sonores. this might appeal to some of yous spacey, dream-like pop. kinda like The Gathering's mellower moments, but with a more abstract sense of melody.
  9. avi

    #1 at for now anyways
  10. avi

    um, guys

    would you be worried is this car was parked in front of a seemingly empty/abandoned house in your neighborhood?
  11. avi

    December 12 - NYC

    anyone want to go to a Swedish hip-hop showcase to write it up for me? Timbuktu, Looptroop, Chords, Spotrunnaz & Damn @ Joe's Pub in Manhattan.
  12. avi

    Kayo Dot on ILM just in case any of you dudes wanna weigh in and talk with the various writers on the thread.
  13. avi

    jake is totally ghetto

    indieradioisdead: haha, i'm enjoying a sparks while i work right now aviroig: I can't believe you drink sparks aviroig: so weird indieradioisdead: haha, have you? aviroig: only sips aviroig: I'M NOT GHETTO indieradioisdead: HAHA, it's not ghetto aviroig: malt liquor with caffiene in a can...
  14. avi

    moving issues

    setting up power, phone, utilities, whatever... no problem. trying to transfer my internet? fuuuuuuck, what a nightmare. comcast wants to rape me for another $50 to move across town. I wish I could just tell them to fuck off, but if I go back to DSL, the local provider wants me to buy a new...
  15. avi

    ode to UM

    ptime? aybe someday?
  16. avi

    this is greg

    right now, this very second
  17. avi

    where comic strips go to die

    my local paper the Olympian. I swear - my paper has the worst selection: Peanuts, For Better or For Worse, Shoe, Cathy, Hagar the Horrible, Family Circus, The Wizard of Id, Ziggy, Dennis the Menace, Sally Forth, Blondie, B.C., Prince Valiant, Garfield, Beetle Bailey, Frank and Ernest, and the...
  18. avi

    let's try this again (new netrelease)

    check it: this was supposed to be the first post on the "updated" board, but alas, it was eaten. oops! anyhow, five tracks of noise/drone for y'all. cheerio!
  19. avi

    new netrelease

  20. avi

    I <3 Green Day

    I was just thinking about it and I've been listening to these guys for like 15 years now. they were my very first punk-rock show at Gilman St. in 7th grade. And I heard that my pal from 5th grade who first got me into punk is now playing live 2nd guitar with them. Which makes me especially...