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  1. G

    The end of "new" In Flames?

    Been thinking about the band's direction recently and a thought sprung to my mind. This might be a bit controversial, I'm not sure if many people will agree with it, but I'll say it anyways. Following SOAPF I'm not sure if I can continue believing in the traditional split of "old" and "new"...
  2. G

    Gyroscope Acoustic Cover

    Tuned my acoustic to C standard for the first time ever about a day ago, was just noodling around and decided to record a wee cover of an In Flames classic. Guitar's pretty simplified but it was so I could play and sing at the same time, hope you guys dig...
  3. G

    You know you're an In Flames nerd when...

    You're the only one in a crowd of 80 000 jumping to Cloud Connected :P