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  1. woosta

    I'm flying to Atlanta (help)

    So for the first time ever, I'm flying down to PP. Is there anything I need to know to make my trip a little easier in terms of getting to Earthlink or other "must know" items about Atlanta's airport or any other aspect of the trip? I'm staying at the Atlanta Hilton and MARTA goes right by...
  2. woosta

    WTF? This is outta hand!

    This is certainly no breaking news but goddamnit, aren't cd prices out of this fucking world lately? I mean, I download but I still want to buy the cds. Since The End moved to NY, they've added $2-$5 per cd. I went to Strangeland Records in DC this week and they're selling cds for $16.99+. I...
  3. woosta

    Sonic Syndicate "Only Inhuman"!! WOW!

    Holy shit, is this cd great or what??!?!?! I just downloaded it on a whim and it has already turned out to be one of my top 10 albums of 2007 thus far. In fact, the first 8 tracks made my iPOD which, I don't believe, has not happened with any other band this year! If you get the chance...
  4. woosta

    Link-n-learn Vol 1: Tiamat So I'm going to make an effort to include links on my posts whenever possible so that it's as easy as possible for any interested parties to check out a band with a mere click. Additionally, I think I'll try to throw up a link to a cool band every now...
  5. woosta

    Why in the f*** would this guy do this?

    October 6, 2007, 1 night only. October 6...hmmm...isn't that the same night as the premier festival in the USA? Shit, shit, shit, and more shit. :waah:
  6. woosta

    Northeast Metalheads for Tourism

    I'm taking a trip to Boston in June. What would a metalhead recommend that I do/see? Yes, I know Newbury Comics, but is there anything else in Boston for our ilk? Furthermore, I have the time to hit any surrounding areas. Any recommendations? How is Providence? What about Hartford...
  7. woosta

    My top 21

    yes, I am so goddamned important that I'm about to tell you my top 21 on my ipod. Do with the info what you will. My advice would be to hear these songs and rock accordingly. In no particular order: 1. Die Apokalyptischen Reiter "Der Adler" from "Riders On The Storm" 2. Europe "Always...
  8. woosta

    Mystic Prophecy in Chicago!

    Hey, that's a solid winner for Chicago's Powerfest! I'm hoping that we get an equally good headliner for Saturday night! :rock:
  9. woosta

    New Symphorce

    Wow, this one sounds like a big change for the better to me. Someone called it a tuned down Fear Factory with Brainstorm style melody and I was very skeptical. However, upon hearing it, I've gotta say that I really, REALLY like the change. I thought the last album sounded like another...
  10. woosta

    The REAL problem from here on out

    I think Glenn made reference to what I see as the REAL problem from here on out: There are no longer those HUGE bands that people will die to see. From here on, it seems to me that this festival will serve to satisfy the most niche factions among us. I mean, if enough people are asking for...
  11. woosta

    I realize why I hate the new Blind Guardian

    This band has no bite whatsoever on the new cd. I know bands change, and I'm totally ok with that but I feel like Blind Guardian is totally leaving metal behind and going toward a total Prog makeover. To me, I can see 3 totally different eras of the band: The speedy beginning years, the...
  12. woosta

    The weekend's best shirt goes to....

    Who would you choose for the best shirt? Of course, I'd vote myself for either of 2 beautiful Pretty Maids shirts, but I also liked the vintage Kiss "Asylum" shirt.
  13. woosta

    Oh shit, PP going head to head with Metalfest!

    Damn, we're in BIG trouble now!! I just checked the Metalfest page and PP is going head to head with them!!!!!! :OMG: By the way, "more info on Metalfest next month" and the fucking thing "is" next month. Good promoting, once again! :)
  14. woosta

    Here's how metal I am:

    I just received this item A golden boxing glove? BOW before me, fools! :notworthy On a serious note, are there any Vengeance fans around? I expect a lot of Ayreon fans, but not many Vengeance I right?
  15. woosta


    I'm sure you guys have seen the millions of musicmp3 playlists posted online. Why do that? What are those used for? What can you do with them and if you know anything can you give me a tutorial for a computer illiterate like myself? I know something about Wordpad being involved. What's up?
  16. woosta

    Dragonforce officially mainstream

    I just saw their shirt at Hot Topic tonight. How did this happen? I don't get it. Are they really different than most of the bands we talk about around here? I mean, why Dragonforce and not Stratovarius or Symphony X?
  17. woosta

    LORDI win Eurovision!

    First Wig Wam makes a run and now Lordi wins it? Awesome! :OMG:
  18. woosta


    Yes, disbelievers, it's true! According to Nevermore will be playing the ProgPower Fest in Atlanta on 6/16/2006. Man, I can't wait.........wait.......this isn't even the date for our show. What's going on???? :ill:
  19. woosta

    I'd like my apology now, please.

    Last year, I made a tongue in cheek post about planning the festival for Glenn so he could take the year off. I threw in a bunch of band that I don't even like to try to keep a balanced "tongue in cheek" show. Aaaaaand, I was ripped a new asshole to the point that I deleted every one of my...
  20. woosta

    What new cds do you have rolling?

    After Chicago and some packed stores, I know there has to be a lot of new stuff w/ mini-reviews out there so let's hear them! I just got the new Rage cd and I gotta tell ya, I don't like it. Well, at least the 1st half. It's reminding me of Kansas meets Savatage with the keys and it's not...