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  1. D

    Losing interest in DT for surprising reason

    You know those special editions of different albums? There's "limited first edition" version, certain countries get certain songs while others don't, you can get some tracks only online, there are tour editions of some albums, what? When I buy an album I would like to have everything that...
  2. D

    Origin of the band name Dark Tranquillity

    Does someone know, what's the story behind the name Dark Tranquillity? Like many might know, DT was at least Septic Broiler first and the current name came a little later. I'm interested, is there a story or a meaning behind it, or was it chosen just because it was "cool"? and... who came up...
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    Character, WIDE cover art, where?

    As you know, Character's cardboard CD version has a wider artwork. Here's a small version of it. Anyone know where to find a bigger image of the wide artwork?
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    Story behind the band name

    Does anyone know, what's the story behind the name Dark Tranquillity? Like many might know, DT was at least Septic Broiler first and the current name came later. I'm interested, is there a story or a meaning behind it, or was it chosen just because it was "cool"? and... who came up with the name?
  5. D

    Do you do your own edits?

    Do you change arrangements or cut off an annoying part off from a song... or maybe connect two songs or parts of them to create one great one?...and then listen to your own "improved" version? I'm talking about any band... You know that feeling when there's something awesome about a track and...
  6. D

    Can In Flames be called In Flames these days?

    In Flames, what it was in the 90s and what it is today... so different. Shouldn't the band be called In Flamed or In Frames or something different... and on top of that, the main writer of the music has left... The Jester Race, Whoracle & Colony are something that they're so far away from...
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    Scorn and clicking...?

    Do you hear (annoying) clicking sound during Scorn on Colony, and this also happens few times on other songs too on the same record, if I remember correctly... In a way it ruins the song for me...
  8. D

    Story behind Dark Tranquillity, the name

    Dark Tranquillity wasn't always named Dark Tranquillity, like many here might know, so I started wondering, where did this band name come from and is there some story behind it?
  9. D

    Dark Tranquillity without vocals?

    Do you know of DT mixes where the vocals have been removed? I'm not saying I don't like Mikael's work, but I think it would be interesting to hear "instrumental" versions of songs that officially have vocals. I'm a huge fan of Character and Damage Done material, so those 2 albums without...
  10. D

    Does/Can Jivarp play guitar or other instruments?

    Anders Jivarp has many writing credits, so that made me wonder, does and can he play guitar or some other intrument besides drums, are his contributions more in idea and arrangement department or does he come up with melodies, riffs and so on?
  11. D

    Your DT TOP10

    What are your 10 favourite songs from DT? Mine would be, in no particular order... THE NEW BUILD THROUGH SMUDGED LENSES AM I 1? MY NEGATION HOURS PASSED IN EXILE FORMAT C: FOR CORTEX CATHODE RAY SUNSHINE WHITE NOISE / BLACK SILENCE DAMAGE DONE THE ENEMY As you can see, it's a...
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    Coerced Coexitence and Kee Marcello

    Hi! Does anyone know where exactly does Marcellos guest solo begin? Early on the solo is good but at some point it just goes down the drain... I was curious what is In Flames and where does the guest solo begin...
  13. D

    The "problem" with DT

    Have you noticed? After the best DT tracks another music just doesn't feel as good as it used to...
  14. D

    Do you think it's still In Flames?

    Do you think it's still In Flames after Jesper left? Personally I don't think so, he was, with Björn, the main musical creative force. Now that he's not there writing anything anymore, I don't think it's the same. However I must say that for few latest albums even if Jesper was around it...
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    Through Smudged Lenses outro

    Does anyone know if there's a "logic" behind the 'Through Smudged Lenses' outro since it's the same melody as in the previous track 'The New Build'?
  16. D

    The new word/world

    Why is it that in so many places track 11 from Colony is said to be 'The New WORLD' when the back cover clearly says 'The New WORD'?
  17. D

    Where to find the "between" track from STYE

    Like many of us or all know, there is an instrumental bit on 'Soundtrack To Your Escape' between 'Like You Batter Dead' and 'My Sweet Shadow', where can I find it... my computer doesn't find it from the CD. Same track can also be heard in Used & Abused DVD menu music.
  18. D

    New found "love"

    Have you experienced this? There was a time about 10 or 12 years ago, I was, first, really into Clayman, Reroute To Remain and Soundtrack, then those started to feel not so interesting when I really got into The Jester Race, Whoracle and Colony. And during the last year... the whole IF kind...
  19. D

    Just noticed, I'm not a DT fan even if I like'em...

    I really, really, really like cartain songs from Character and Damage Done, but that's it... Everything else from DT just doesn't do it for me. So, apparently I'm not a DT fan even if I do almost worship some of their music... but not majority of it.
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    Electric effects

    Does anyone else find them a bit annoying? There are some song that are great until some bleeps come along, and honestly, ruins them... for example "One Thought". There's some great guitar stuff going on and then techno department ruins it... All those bleeps are completely unnecessary because...