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  1. DEEK

    question about LFDGD

    about Last Fair Deal Gone Down, was this album ever released in a regular jewelcase, rather than the 4-fold 'digipac'? just curious. and, if so, is it rare?
  2. DEEK

    which do i get first?

    i've heard a lot about the band and i'm wondering which album i should get first. thanks!
  3. DEEK

    Which should i get next?

    I have Brave Murder Day and Dance of December Souls (i live both), and i'm wondering which album i should check out next. Note the i've herad Discouraged Ones, but wasn't too impressed from what i remember. I also know that the 2 i have are in a different style than the other 4. But what do you...
  4. DEEK

    couple questions

    I've just recenty gotten into the band, so bare with me Question 1: Exactly what is a Lava? Is it just a guitar solo that wasn't used in a song or something? Question 2: How rare is the Fatal Formulas of the Flesh album that came with the bonus disc? Thanks :)
  5. DEEK

    Volume 8 re-re;ease

    Who's going to get this one? Or who already has it, heh. Too bad their "Phantom Lord" cover isn't on it.
  6. DEEK

    Cryptic Slaughter...

    I've heard about this band here and there, good and bad things, and Relapse Records re-released Money Talks and Convicted this year, and wondering if i should check out either of the 2. Thanks!
  7. DEEK

    the song "Shamateur"

    What are the lyrics to this song? I love this song, and can't find the lyrics for it anywhere. i can make some of them out, but very few. So i thought some of you might know. Thanks in advance!
  8. DEEK

    the Punky Brüster album....

    I figure at least ONE person on here has this release, heh. Is 'Cooked on Phonics' worth searching out??
  9. DEEK

    Brave Murder Day or Dance of December Souls first?

    SO, which one should I get first? I know that these are the band's doomiest releases, and that's what i really like right now. So, which one do you think I should get first (of the 2)?
  10. DEEK

    which one should i get next?

    well, i have three of their albums: Skydancer (bought just after christmas. well, the release w/ Of Chaos and Eternal Night) The Gallery (got for my birthday in January) The Mind's I (just bought today) i was wondering, which one should i get next? Should i keep going in order and get...
  11. DEEK

    Inertia (band)

    anyone else heard of this band? i can't find info on tehm anywhere. i think tehy only have one album (s/t). ifound it in a used store. thanks to anyone with info! note- it's sort of a cross between death metal and thrash
  12. DEEK

    finally got the other 2 albums (Knowing and OSIASF)

    Well, actually recieved The Knowing a while ago, but this site wasn't working real well for me. Anyway, The Knowing kicks ass!! Probably my favorite one so far! Great album guys! Especially the songs 'Silent Tomorrow' and 'Last God'. fantastic album! About Of Sculptured Ivy..., another...
  13. DEEK

    Paul, about Em Sinfonia....

    what's up with this? you were on this band's album, or something?? what's it like?
  14. DEEK

    what happenned to

    all i get is this: Web Utilities File Manager Protect web directory utility (.htaccess) DB Utilities phpMyAdmin - Admin interface for MySQL phpPgAdmin Admin interface for PostgreSQL EMail Utilities IMP - mail client Change your POP3 password ___________ what the fuck happened?
  15. DEEK

    bought a Novembers Doom album FINALLY!!!! (well, 2 actually!)

    Was on The End records looking throught eh mail order stuff, and saw Amid It's Hallowed Mirth on there. so, order it, along with a few other CDs, and it came in yesterday!! listening to it right now!! great stuff, guys!!! (on "Tears of the Beautiful" right now). and, today, i was at a local...
  16. DEEK

    new to Hypocrisy (well, sort of...)

    hey. I've known about Hypocrisy for about a year now. i had heard a bunch of stuff from them (could only remember 'Roswel 47', though), and i really liked what i heard. was never able to get one of their albums till now. Finally bought the s/t album. i must say, this album is fucking great...
  17. DEEK

    Atheist re-releases??

    Is it true that the 3 Atheist albums are going to be re-released this year?? If so, when?
  18. DEEK


    anyone like this band?? what's their best album?? you know, the basic info anyone tryoing to get into a band needs to know :);)
  19. DEEK

    WEAKLING- black/death metal band

    not sure if i asked this before. anyone know much about them?? all i know is that tehy have really long songs, and are similar to Opeth and Dissection. tehy have one album, Dead as Dreams. thanks for any info.
  20. DEEK

    MYSTIFIER, the Brazillian death metal band

    does anyone else know much about this band?? i only know of 3 albums: Wicca Goetia The World is so Good That Who Made it Doesn't Live Here i have that last one, and it's pretty damn good. and i know teh first 2 were re-released together. does anyone know of a site about them or a record...