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  1. Wings of a dream

    Where did they go?

    So I log in here after a year of absence or so.......and.....huh? I almost don't recognized anybody. Probably only these people: Ingrid, Nick Brookes, Vikk, MeGustaMucho, CliffBurton, follow_the_reaper, Herman Li, MexicanUM, Where the hell is everybody else? Everybody changed names or...
  2. Wings of a dream

    World Records for Push-Ups Non-stop: 10,507; Minoru Yoshida (JAP), Oct 1980 How the hell does a Japanese accomplish 10,000+ push ups?????
  3. Wings of a dream

    Eva Dolly needs this
  4. Wings of a dream

    Teen takes car on 300-mile test drive;_ylt=AoNEwxj5RPEzVV2bc02n0Yqs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NTc- WELLINGTON (Reuters) - A test drive meant more than just a spin around the block for a New Zealand teen-ager who took a car he was considering buying on...
  5. Wings of a dream

    OMGGGG! Help ME!

    To cut a long story short, I slept with this girl a few weeks a go (without protection), and had only met her about a month before, and she calls me to say she is pregnant. She wants to keep the baby too. She's a great girl and that, but obviously it's too soon. I'm great with kids in small...
  6. Wings of a dream

    Weeeee! I made it too google video! Weeeeeeeeeeeee! check it out! Oh and yeah I'm an attention whore so don't even bother saying it! :kickass:
  7. Wings of a dream

    3 Word story game!

    It's not my idea, but hey, it's a good idea, so why not bring it over here? Anyways... RULES (Obey or Wings will come down and hunt you) *Aach person posts 3 words to write a story *No editing unless someone sneaks a post in before yours and you fuck up (postjump) Here it goes.... :u-huh...
  8. Wings of a dream

    The good Classical pieces!

    Alright so post here any good classical pieces that you enjoy. They don't necessarily have to be from the classical period, just good orchestrated pieces would do. And please! Don't post cliche pieces that we all know already! Moonlight Sonata, Bethoven's 5th, Paganini's Caprices, you...
  9. Wings of a dream

    Is that Missiles?????

    (From!2006) Missiles rocking out in Hungary?
  10. Wings of a dream

    People are so naive A High School student was arrested after he posted pictures of himself on holding handguns. The pictures were brought to the attention of the school by a parent and the principal contacted the sheriff's...
  11. Wings of a dream

    Typing test Here. My results - Test Name: Strategic Alliances with Competitors - Date: 2006-03-17 11:37 - Test Time: 01:00 - Gross Speed: 57 WPM - Errors: 4 - Accuracy: 93% - NET SPEED: 53 WPM 57, which sucks because I...
  12. Wings of a dream

    What country you should be really living in? This is what I got, but huh??? I was expecting Japan dammit! The United Kingdom You have pride in yourself and pride in your country. You believe that history and culture is an important factor to the future of your country, and...
  13. Wings of a dream

    Amazing classical guitarist plays Paganini's 24th! Only 12 years old! :OMG: I have a better version of the video and could upload it if anybody wants it.
  14. Wings of a dream

    Don't spend so much time folding shirts! Damn Japs always ahead of us.
  15. Wings of a dream

    Who will win the Baseball World Cup??

    Alright so who are you going for? If your country's not playing then choose Venezuela!! Here are the teams Pool A China Chinese Taipei Japan Korea Pool B Canada Mexico South Africa United States Pool C Cuba Netherlands Panama Puerto Rico Pool D Australia...
  16. Wings of a dream


    Here's the idea: I make a wish, then the next person responds by finding away to turn the wish against them, then gives their own wish, and so on. For example: I Wish I had a 12 inch cock Granted, but its in your mouth I wish I had a Les Paul Granted, but you are overcome with an urge...
  17. Wings of a dream


    Buahahaha my FOL description got accepted by UrbanDictionary. Hehe and that's Eva's quote btw! 1. FOL Acronym for internet conversations meaning Fall over laughing. FOL, I just now noticed you two look the same...
  18. Wings of a dream

    I want it.

    I want an Optimus Keyboard. Who's with me? Very cool keyboard concept that involves having tiny OLED’s in each key that could change depending on what application you are using. Therefore you could have a different set for Photoshop, Word, Eclipse and your favorite game of the moment...