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  1. P

    Acoustic guitars...

    Hey guys I have two electrics and a really shit-arse "Magnum" acoustic which my parents bought second hand and I've had for six years... I think it's time for a new acoustic guitar. Does anybody know what kind of acoustic Mike uses primarily? I'm after one that plays really well (something I...
  2. P

    Flower power

    rahhrarhahraeh aglskfj fdslacja lc;has FUCK THIS SHITS ME Into Eternity make some fucken awesome music, but THE VOCALS FUCKING RUIN THE SHIT! Is it just me or can nobody else stand this fucken bullshit flower metal over wankery falsetto bitch squealing SHIT. FUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKK. It's...
  3. P

    Nipple sadness

    I'm sad. See I had my nipples pierced about a month and a half ago and love em, but yesterday morning when I went for a run I lost the ball to one of the barbells. Because I knew I wouldn't able to get a replacement til later this week I just put a band-aid over my nipple, holding the barbell...
  4. P

    My discourse on Vehemence

    Sup people, I was just listening to some Vehemence and felt the urge to have a bit of a rant on why they're just so fucken awesome. There is something about your music that is deeply affecting, and to be honest something I have never quite experienced with any other music. I Think it must...
  5. P

    Shit ey

    heh downloaded the new slipknot song thing out of morbid curiosity and was very surprised to hear solos (!). Not pussy ones either, it would seem that these guys can actually play. I'd almost go as far as to say jeff loomisey (lots of sweep picking). The actual song isn't anythin to write...
  6. P

    A game!!! With Penguins!!! And blood!!!

    heh check this shit out. I hope it hasn't already been posted here. My high score is 1142 :)
  7. P

    Just noticed something....

    Heh I just noticed that in the liner notes for "dechristianize" by vital remains they list Slipknot as an influence. Haha suck on that shit ya fucken purist elitist cocks!
  8. P


    I just listened to Vempire again after a long hiatus from Cradle... It's very fucken good solid shit. Recommended. What else... I checked out Evergrey for the first time the other day (yeah, shut up) and I am rather impressed. A little suss on the vox, but I was like that when I first heard...
  9. P

    Tallica Concert

    So yeah, went to the Tallica concert last night in Brissie... I don't give a fuck what you think about the band, the still rock the shit out of everything live. They played awesomely (is that a word?), very fast and very heavy. Everything just sounded so metal, it was rather surprising...
  10. P

    Holy motherfucker

    All you guitarists should check out the video "paganini's 5th caprice" by Jason Becker. That guy is (was :() and absolute freak. I downloaded the tab for that video and you wouldn't believe how impossibly difficult that shit it, yet he makes it look like a walk in the park. Once again, Jason...
  11. P

    I am so pissed off right now...

    FUCKENFUCKSHITCUNTRAGMOTHERFUCKINARSEHOLE FUCK. alk;sdal;ksd als;dasl;kasedf. See random characters, that's how fucken well pissed I am right now. For some fucken cunt of a reason none of my fucken cool edit session files are working which means all the fucken hours upon shitloads of...
  12. P

    Ramblings of an insomniac

    Yeah so I went and spent a shit load of money on new cds... you see I usually just download albums and burn them off but I do like to support the artists that need it even though I am a poor-arse student and am sometimes forced to eat styrofoam. Some of what I got: Vehemence - God was Created...
  13. P

    Check this shit out hardened metalheads

    Me thinks you should all check out the song "Fury" by Muse off their new Absolution album (it's a bonus track for japan). It's not metal per se but awesome music nonetheless. I really quite dig Muse, I feel they have a very unique and classically-inspired sound. But yeah, this song is really...
  14. P

    Some people should be stabbed in the face with a horse tranquilizer

    So I was at work right (I work at Subway for those playing at home), and I was on the graveyard shift so I was playin my own music (Vital Remains), and this dickless fucken cockgobbler fucktard wanker piece of shit comes in and immediately puts his "I don't approve of this NOISE" face on. He...
  15. P

    Yay go me!

    I'm getting a new amp!!!! FUCKING FINALLY!!!! Argh, I've been playing for six years and the whole time I've been using my shitty Peavey Rage 158 practice amp so I'm hella excited about this. I'm getting a Marshall MG50DFX - 50 watts of pure goodness. Fuck yes. I know most of you probably...
  16. P

    For the Aussie ppl

    Hey guys, just lettin you all know that SYL is playing Australia around the end of October. I know they're playing Brisbane on Oct. 30 @ The Arena (the gig I'm going to :D). Just thought I'd point it out cause you all know how often international metal acts manage to get to Australia... :(
  17. P

    Hetfield presumed dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Holy fuck, I came across this on another forum not even associated with metal, but check this shit out. I know St. Anger kinda sucked my nuts, but jesus... :(
  18. P

    New Vehemence!!!

    Vehemence will begin recording their new album, entitled "Helping The World To See" September 15th. Drum tracks will be recorded on 2 inch analog reels at Porcupine Studios in Mesa, AZ. Expect a more natural drum sound this time around, with less triggering. The remaining tracks will be recorded...
  19. P

    Misery Index - Retaliate

    Holy motherfucken shit you guys have to check this out. Brutal, intense brutality. Distilled agression. Words can not describe this shit. Do a search for the title track to hear for yourselves. I was expecting a lot from this release (considering most of the members are ex-Dying Fetus) but...
  20. P

    50 Ways to piss off a metalhead

    1. Tell them every metal band worships the devil. 2. Ask if all black metal bands are trying to copy KISS or just most of them. 3. Hide their joint under their library card. 4. Ask if they know of any other cool bands like Slipknot. 5. If they're listening to metal, tell them it sounds like...