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  1. Yetti

    Is IRC down?

    nevermind. i got it to work.
  2. Yetti

    When writing a title for a news article....

    it usually helps to make sure you're not accidentally saying something else. Tired Gay succumbs to Dix in 200 meters :tickled:
  3. Yetti

    Happy Memorial Day

  4. Yetti

    Beer Thread

    Why the hell isn't there a dedicated beer thread? Some of my reccomendationings: What? I dare you to find a better cheap shitty beer.
  5. Yetti

    ŵG, Gavin is a dirty jew!

    that is all.
  6. Yetti

    type like a pirate!

  7. Yetti

    Lance Armstrong Interrogated by French Police

    Lance Armstrong's record-setting seventh Tour de France victory, along with his entire Tour legacy, may now be tarnished beyond repair. Armstrong is again being interrogated by French police after three banned substances were found in his South of France hotel room during a post-Tour vacation...
  8. Yetti

    i'm engaged!

    to zsuzsa! yetti says: soooo, will you marry me? :p Zsuzsa - De saggitis Hungarorum libera nos, Domine says: hahaha, yes. lemme just explain it to Ville Zsuzsa - De saggitis Hungarorum libera nos, Domine says: xD yetti says: i'm sure he'll understand :p Zsuzsa - De saggitis...
  9. Yetti

    Man Launches Ice Cream Stick Viking Ship

    i'm awesome at posting threads.
  10. Yetti

    Man Launches Ice Cream Stick Viking Ship

    By TOBY STERLING, Associated Press Writer Tue Aug 16, 6:16 PM ET AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - A former Hollywood stunt man now living in the Netherlands launched his greatest project to date Tuesday: a 45-foot replica Viking ship made of millions of wooden ice cream sticks and more than a ton of...
  11. Yetti

    you are not hardcore...

    click me :lol:
  12. Yetti

    to the following people:

    turbo bodomisyourgod i_am_canadian(sucks to be you!) silent_scream what the fuck is with your huge fucking signatures? nobody likes having to scroll through your gay ass pics that are the size of the whole fucking screen. take them down!
  13. Yetti


  14. Yetti


    that is all. carry on. :hotjump:
  15. Yetti

    johanna... :mad:

  16. Yetti

    paging warrel dane...

    i know i don't really post on here much anymore...but seriously...the setlist you're gonna be using when the gigantour hits atlanta needs to include poison god machine and the system is failing. i'll be your bitch boy for the entire day.
  17. Yetti

    NEW CHIMAIRA ALBUM!!!!!!!1111oneoneeleventeen :lol:
  18. Yetti

    long time, no see

    a story: there once was a man from nantucket, who sat on a tuffet, eating his curds and whey, and whence came forth.....a midget on a zebra: and he sayith: "it is by the king's decree, that all female poodles shall have macaroni and cheese stuffed into their vaginas every wednesday for a...
  19. Yetti

    is back up....sorta. while the whole site isn't back up yet, i put up a message board to replace the old one until the band put up a new official one. go post there, homos! i wanted to copy/paste the text from the on topic thread, but firefox is being gay.
  20. Yetti

    Sinergy fans... is finally back up....sorta. sorry it took so long, but there were some issues with getting the domain transfered to me. i downloaded the entire site from it's old server, but when i went to upload it to my web host, 99% of the files were fucked. i'm gonna try and download...