Search results

  1. AwaitTheDesolation

    FS: POD XT Pro & SC 207 7 String

    Got both my pod XT PRO rackmount aswell as my ESP SC-207 7 string. Pictures of both are up on there. Just a little info on both Pod XT PRO: has with Metalshop & Bass Expansion packs installed, only cosmetic wear on the front is where the rack ears are and some minor scratches on top of...
  2. AwaitTheDesolation

    Looking for Someone to Mix/Master A Single

    My band just put out our EP a month ago and now we're planning on recording a new single in the next few weeks. Just looking for someone to mix/master and maybe slightly edit since this will just be a single and not part of an EP. Basically since this is like a single and we'll re-record...
  3. AwaitTheDesolation

    First Mix, feedback appreciated.

    So i've been picking up some things from you guys here and there. Decided to finally get some raw multitracks and do something. *Note* This mix was done mostly on my cheap monitors not the ones I have at home so there might be some things I didn't catch. Found these multitracks on youtube...
  4. AwaitTheDesolation

    FS: Guitar Gear

    Listing all this for a friend. He's selling the following. Peavey 5150II Head Peavey 5150 Cab Pod Hd Pro and Schecter Blackjack 8 string (Left Handed) He's located In Houston Texas, Shipping depends on what all you're buying. He's mainly looking for Cash or a trade for a Mesa. You can email...
  5. AwaitTheDesolation

    Live Lighting

    Basically i wanna build my own light boxes in the back that stand up tall and little step boxes with lights inside them with color bulbs. I was wondering if there was a simple setup to where you hook the lights up to a unit and that unit goes somehow gets hooked into the PA onstage and went off...
  6. AwaitTheDesolation

    How to get a better sound with what i have

    I know theres like a million posts that are somewhat about this but basically ill explain what im trying to do then list what gear that i use and own since some of this has just been laying around for a few years. So when I re-amp other peoples stuff it sounds good with clean sounding DI...
  7. AwaitTheDesolation

    Deathcore Mixing Practice

    Me and a friend did this song for fun its a rough version of it but thought it'd be fun to see what everyone else could bring to the table as far as mixing and what not. I'm a noob to dropbox so hopefully these links work, if not ill try and fix it. I included the Guitar 1 and 2 DI's, bass DI...
  8. AwaitTheDesolation

    New Member From Houston

    Hey guys im Travis from the houston tx area. I'm a Vocalist, Guitarist, Bassist, and Drummer. Currently doing vocals for a few different projects. Currently trying to learn audio production on my own. Thought i'd just drop in here to say hello and formally introduce myself.