Search results

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    Best Performance: King Diamond

    King Diamond Best known for Mercyful Fate and King Diamond - Choose the one song that you think has King Diamond's best performance as an individual musician. - We are not trying to choose the overall best song that he appears on. We're looking for his best vocal performance. - I'll leave...
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    New GMD Poll Series: Top Performances by Individual Musicians

    Okay, so I had an idea of doing a poll series. Basically, an individual musician will be the subject of each poll in the series and people will vote on what song they feel has the best performance by that musician. I'd want to avoid live performance recordings and just stick to studio material...
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    R.I.P. Al Morris of Iron Man

    Al Morris III passed away this morning according to the band's official Facebook page. That's a shame because I have enjoyed his band for many years and he always seemed like a really nice guy. It says on Metal Archives that the band is still active, even though he has passed away. I doubt that...
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    Official Poll: Controversial Opinions on Metal

    Okay, so only people with an established posting history will be considered as actual voters here. I didn't include a neutral option because you can just not vote if you have no opinion on the matter. Personally, I don't like megathreads and I'm fine with people posting about their...
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    Best album art of 2017?

    What was your favorite album art from 2017? These are my favorites. Krolok - Flying Above Ancient Ruins Malokarpatan - Nordkarpatenland Horns & Hooves - Morbid Lust
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    Upcoming Reissues

    Sorry, I don't really think that the "Metal [X Year]" topics work for this and I never have because people rarely discuss reissued albums there. I buy a lot more old stuff that's being reissued than I do new music, so I'm all for having a topic specifically for discussing upcoming reissues. I'm...
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    The "Welcome Back Omni" Thread

    Fear not, intrepid posters of GMD! The most infamous poster in the history of the board has returned due to numerous requests and popular demand. Anyway, a lot of people have asked me to come back here and contribute to this site again, and I agreed to do so. It may only be on a sporadic basis...
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    Ulver - Trolsk Sortmetall: 1993-1997

    The Trolsk Sortmetall: 1993-1997 box set compiles all of the early releases from Ulver during their black metal period. I've owned the previous versions of all four of these for a long time. The purpose of this review is to analyze the quality of the remastered material and is primarily intended...
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    What other GMDers influenced your music taste the most?

    For me, it was obviously Dodens Grav and @Slayed Necros who helped me find the most metal that I liked after I came here. When I started posting here, I had been listening to a lot of well-known traditional metal bands, a few doom metal bands, Slayer and a bunch of black metal, but I learned...
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    Non-metal Themed Mixtape Game

    Basically exactly the same as the regular Themed Mixtape Game, except that metal is not allowed. Please keep metal and heavy rock that's right on the edge for the metal version of this thread. The first theme: Love Remember to stick to the theme. It is actually a theme with really wide...
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    Non-metal things that look metal to you

    Does anyone else ever see things that resemble metal album covers? Especially things that have nothing to do with music at all. This beer label always makes me think of some kind of dark, somber doom metal release. Even the name of the beer fits.
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    Quality Female-fronted Metal Bands

    Reino Ermitaño is an example of what I mean. Nightwish is an example of what I don't mean. I'm open to all genres of metal except for gothic, industrial or symphonic trash.
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    Poll for Ildjarn Fans

    I can't decide. I think that they're all excellent. I honestly love all of his music, including the ambient stuff.
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    R.I.P. Lemmy Kilmister

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    The Question Topic

    Now that you can tag people, this seems like a fun idea. Just tag someone and ask them something. It can be whatever you want, whether it's a serious question or you just want to ask someone's opinion. @sloughfegkillers What is the coolest place that you've gotten to go while doing your job...
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    How long have you been posting on forums?

    I started posting on forums in 2001, which means that I've spent about half my life as a forum-goer. When did you get hooked? Do you use any other forums?
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    Comeback/Reunion Albums

    What are the best and worst metal albums of this type? More often than not, I think that they fail to live up to the pre-release hype, but there are always exceptions. For me, I really enjoyed Engram by Beherit. It was a new sound, but a welcome album that was definitely a good musical...
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    How did you choose your username?

    I just picked mine because I like the band and it was available. What about you? Some of you have unique names.
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    Swans to reform? Even if this happens and it's only as good as Gira's newer music, I'll still enjoy it a lot. I feel like he's retained a strong creative edge even in recent years.
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    Best Orthodox Black Metal Band

    I definitely disagree with the term itself, but it's probably the most universally recognized way to refer to this type of modern black metal. What band do you think is the best at this style? My vote definitely goes to Averse Sefira.