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  1. 70KTonsOfMetal

    Helion Prime - Into the Black Hole (FFO: Unleash the Archers, Mindmaze)

    I don't know the rules around here about posting single songs, so please delete if I've violated anything, but I'd imagine some people here would really, really enjoy this. Early song-of-the-year candidate for me: They're coming out of Sacramento, CA and their debut album comes out in...
  2. 70KTonsOfMetal

    ProgPower 2015 Spotify Playlist

    Not sure if this has been done, but I'm currently sitting at the airport in Stockholm awaiting my flight to the U.S. and threw together a very, very quick playlist for ProgPower this year to get people acclimated. I tried to generally add songs that are likely to appear in setlists (and, of...