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  1. M

    Opeth Guitar Effects

    I have always wondered what effect the guys use when the guitar sounds like it kinda fades in, and it sounds almost like a violin. Its hard to explain but I think you know what I am talking about. Anyways, do any guitar players know how to acheive this effect? Thanks.
  2. M

    My song, actual studio recording not crap

    Well here it is, it is not metal but it does sound cool. Just put http in front of that link :// Thanks if you listen to it.
  3. M

    My song (not metal, kinda pink floydish)

    Well here it is, it is not metal but it does sound cool. Just put http in front of that link :// Thanks if you listen to it.
  4. M

    Bloodbath Playlist

    Does anyone have the playlist for the new bloodbath cd?