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  1. Aecliptica

    Star Ocean 3 : Till The End Of Time

    Just bought it 2 days ago after waiting years for it to come out after Star Ocean 2. Im about 3 hours into the game and all I have to say is that im loving it. The first hour is slow, as in most games, but so far its seeming as its goin to bring me back into my RPG days. I urge anyone to pick it up.
  2. Aecliptica

    Team Fortress 2 finally coming out?

    they even have a release date! woot
  3. Aecliptica

    What exactly is RAID?

    RAID is the abbreviation for "Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks" yet what the hell is it?
  4. Aecliptica

    UT2K4 problem

    whenever i try to play 'the fallen city' in assualt single player, my computer always freezes in the middle of loading. There was another level that this happened as well, but i was able to change arenas...anyone know anyhting abuto this?
  5. Aecliptica

    Installing UT2K4 as we speak

    booyah, soon my friends we shall play :grin:
  6. Aecliptica

    wes, stop whining every goddamn second

    i went throuhg most of the threads on the first page and in most of them you are just complaining and complaining about why poeple dont post here and all listen to rapture radio. you cant force someone to post here, it wont work. ever. the reason i dont listen is because i cant be bothered to...
  7. Aecliptica

    HELP: installing my wireless connections

    ok, so i decided to go wireless...and im having the most annoyinh problem ever. ive configured everything...i have my router.....wireless network card for my laptop...but my laptop cant find the internet connection!! :@:@:@. it connects to my access point( which i would presume is my wireless...
  8. Aecliptica

    What programming languages do you know?

    C++ Visual Basic HTML Batch File Coding :p thats pretty much the extent to my knowledge in programming i beleive, though i want to start to get into video game programming but dont know where to start...:( i think im going to pick up a book on it sometime soon, becasue that is ultimately what i...
  9. Aecliptica

    Could someone clear up RAM for me?

    yes i know its memory and what not, what i want to know is what the difference is between the whole dual channel memory or something like that. thanks
  10. Aecliptica

    if i had a gun, these people would be dead(watch video) ....................... i feel so uncomfortable after watching that.
  11. Aecliptica


    [TONGUE MY ASS!!!!!!]
  12. Aecliptica

    wheres the off topic?

  13. Aecliptica

    the color of this forum.....

    [compliments my mage's robe :)]
  14. Aecliptica


  15. Aecliptica

    What album should i start with?

    new to anathema, have listened to "Sentient" , "The Silent Enigma" , "Fragile Dreams", "Are You There?"..... and i think they are now tell me, which album should i start with and why.
  16. Aecliptica


    are you going to the montreal concert?
  17. Aecliptica

    Quote In Funeral Portrait

    He states " Stained by the name of fathers" What does this mean? Im very curious...and i THINK i saw it in a nother song as well...or maybe i was just lookin over the funeral portrait and didnt know it...but im extremely curious as to what he means by that. if anyone could help that would be great.
  18. Aecliptica

    Favorite Album Cover Artwork

    Whats your favorite looking album cover? I'd have to say mine is Still Life.
  19. Aecliptica

    Should I change my dancing chick signature??

    Well? GO VOTE!!!!
  20. Aecliptica

    Should I change my dancing chick signature???

    well? GO VOTE!!!!