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  1. rottingflesh


    I am not sure if Metal has been posting on here or not, does anyone have her email address or her number.... I seemed to have misplaced it and I need to pick her up at the airport on Thursday. Linda
  2. rottingflesh

    Happy Birthday Twistdrsteph

    I know you are going to torture me now and feed me to wild dogs....but just wanted to say i hope you had a great day and you look 22 so don't worry... :)
  3. rottingflesh


    I tried to pm you but you are all full..... :) clean it out fella.....
  4. rottingflesh


    We were talking this weekend and i was not sure if I was clear that anyone that wants to attend the BBQ from this board is more than welcome. I know there are not too many locals on here, but there are a few. It is going to be July 30th at my home in Woodstock, shoot me an email for directions...
  5. rottingflesh


    I did not realize you have your own forum.... very cool. :)
  6. rottingflesh

    Juicy Mae

    Kim/Shaye, Had a great time cutting up with you guys Sunday.... hopefully in a couple of weeks you guys can come by and we will make Margaritas and be silly. Talk to you soon.... call me when you have the chance.
  7. rottingflesh

    Hello there strangers

    Hello there...have not been online in a long long time. A few of you i keep in touch with a little but mostly I have kept to myself. Been so busy with work and buying my home and doing the home stuff. Also went to the Bahamas so it has been crazy indeed. Just wanted to pop in and say hello and...
  8. rottingflesh

    The Q

    Sean has been in the hospital for a few days now and he just got out. I never post here anymore but I just wanted to welcome him home and let everyone know to wish him well.... :) Love you Sean.
  9. rottingflesh


    Are any of you in Tampa? I have to go down there for a wedding next month. It would be cool to see some fellow PP attendees.
  10. rottingflesh

    Tampa metal fest

    Is anyone from here going to this???
  11. rottingflesh

    Happy Birthday Bo

    I don't know if he reads the board at all...but I know we have the same exact have a great Bday today wherever the tour is....I am sure the Nevermore guys will make it a good one!!!! Linda
  12. rottingflesh


    I just saw some Helloween tour dates and they are listed in Atlanta on January 20th...... I am so excited!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOO
  13. rottingflesh


    I am driving to Nashville this weekend. Does anyone live there? If so, what are some suggestions of things to do or places to eat etc?
  14. rottingflesh


    Saw Slayer last night in Atlanta and am still happy as hell. I had no idea they were going to play the entire Reign in Blood album from beginning to end. I was one happy girl. :)
  15. rottingflesh

    Dimmu tour

    Nevermore are playing right before Dimmu, right?
  16. rottingflesh


    This is a pretty funny obviously MAN made article... lol You guys will want to send it to your girlfriends.
  17. rottingflesh

    Happy Birthday Wishmaster

    At least you are nowhere near as old as I. Linda
  18. rottingflesh


    Just wanted to tell you how nice it was to meet you.... :) Troy told me what you wrote on their board and that is so sweet. You rule and I look forward to seeing you again soon...hope the drive back was not too boring. Linda
  19. rottingflesh


    Mike, I wanted to thank you one more time for helping me out in my unfortunate situation this past weekend...You rule!!!! We met on this board and it is so cool to know that people in the prog/power scene are so cool.... Thanks again.... :) Linda
  20. rottingflesh

    Hey guys!!!

    It is me, just thought i would say hello.... METAL!!!!!!