Search results

  1. N

    Sinking Passive Pick-up Into Active Bass? Please Help me!?

    First of all, i know next to bugger all about electrics, but i recently aquired a 1985 washburn b50 Rudy Sarzo sig' bass, and have found a really decent looking Bartolini replacement pickup that should fit. I was wondering if first of all its possible to stick a passive pickup into an active...
  2. N

    Bass Guitar Project

    I'm hoping to buy a bass to restore, ive seen a nice '72 Gibson, but it is basically just the fretboard and body, where would be good places to find parts like all the electrics for inside? pickups and strings, machine heads etc are easy enough to find, but some things are harder, any ideas...
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    God Forbid - Gone Forever

    Well, What Can I Say....... ALBUM OF THE YEAR? it's got my vote. This album is an example of a band going in the right direction, not changing what they are to suit their audience or 'where the money lies' like so many bands today. This album is definately a step foward from Determination with...
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    In Flames - London April 24th

    hello, anyone know what's going on with this gig? in flames are supposidly (according to their website) playing a show at the London Astoria, England... but i cannot find any information on any of the Ticket sites, or even on the London Astoria official site...... anyone know where i can get...
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    Vince.. We Want Thyrfing...

    Vince.. We Want Thyrfing...
  6. N

    Bass Guitar Pick-Ups?

    i don't know barely anything about pick-ups especially bass guitar pick-up's... all i have is a few names floating around in my head, Seymour Duncans, EMG's + DiMazzio's(i think its spelt) i've got an esp f-104 i think it has double humbucker esp soapbox pickup's but i'm looking for a better...
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    Reek of Putrefaction

    i've just got reek of putrefaction, and the recording quality is appauling, you can barely hear some of it :hypno:
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    Iron Maiden Set List?

    hello, can anyone tell me what iron maiden's set list is for their current tour?
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    For Anyone Who Likes Comics?

    me and my friend are creating a new humour comic, please check out the website, it's still under construction but you can get the main jist of things, please join the forum if you like what you see and comment on the drawings, we aim to have the free comic made...
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    For Any Comic Fans

    me and my friend are creating a new humour comic, please check out the website, it's still under construction but you can get the main jist of things, please join the forum if you like what you see and comment on the drawings, we aim to have the free comic made...
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    What Do They Do Now?

    what happened to the members, what do they do now? its obvious where mike is, but where's the rest
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    yay, i just won a big :tickled:back patch
  13. N

    Thyrfing For 04?

    i think Thyrfing would be a great addition to next years line up, it would be fun to have a viking metal band there.. would fit in well alongside the power metal i think, what does everyone else think?
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    where do you buy your clothes? (online)

    where do you buy your clothes online? i dont mean like band tshirts.. i mean boots jeans etc???
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    Carcass Tshirts

    does anybody know any places online that sell carcass tshirts? i've been looking for one for years, and no matter how hard i look i always end up with nothing..... ?
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    Carcass Tshirts?

    anyone know anywhere online that sells carcass tshirt? ive been looking for one for ages, im prety sure this is a last resort....
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    0|\|e Th0us@nd!

    one thousand posts :D YAY
  18. N

    Best Beginner Drum Kit?

    my friend wants to take up playing drums, but will need to buy a new kit, what kit would you recogmend for a beginner, (main uses will proberbly be heavy/black/thrash metal etc)?
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    best the cure album?

    what does everybody think
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    if you could be anyone in music....

    ...who would you be?