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  1. E

    Kickstart my art

    Hey folks, Been a long-ish while since i hung out here...but I used to be around a lot - some of ya might remember me. I've got a new band that I'd love to hear some opinions about: I play guitar and sing in the band, and I write the songs too. Also, I'm...
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    R.I.P. Clive Burr

    He died last night in his sleep. So long, Clive.
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    Arch / Matheos

    Sorry, don't see the old thread on this. Anyone pick it up? It's insane. A good follow up to both Awaken the Guardian, and A Twist of Fate. The reviews are pretty much unanimously gushing and fanboy praise-ish, but it deserves as much. Contender for album of the year for sure.
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    Metal memories

    I saw on Blabbermouth that Reign in Blood came out 25 years ago today. They quote some folks from the metal community, who tell their stories about how they remember it. So, for fun, here's my story: I was 15 years old and living in a small town in Missouri. Having been a devoted metal head...
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    Expensive day

    Man, a bunch of good stuff out today - New Mastodon, New Machine Head, Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon immersion edition.....and I bought a ticket to see Saxon (finally). Better let the debit card cool off for a bit.....
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    RIP Wurzel

    Ex-Motorhead Wurzel is no more. His first Motorhead appearance (minus Killed by Death single) was Orgasmatron, which is still probably my overall favorite Motorhead record, and was the, 'spiritual,' restart of the band. RIP.
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    Essential live N.W.O.B.H.M.

    I have a lot of favorite live albums, and could make an argument for just about all of those that people think of as THE ONE (Live at Leeds, ALIVE, Made in Japan)....but I'm curious to know what folks consider the best live NWOBHM stuff. Especially those albums recorded during the highest point...
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    Disaster following High on Fire...

    High on Fire, a GREAT band by the way, were featured on various news sights a couple of weeks ago since they were in Christchurch NZ when the big earthquake hit there. Well, turns out they were in Tokyo getting ready to play a show when the big one hit Japan. Talk about luck...jeez. Just like...
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    Matt Barlowe leaving Iced Earth....again

    Well, there ya go, he's leaving. I don't blame you folks who are a bit lukewarm on this band, or even dislike them, but I think of their last two albums as a crowning acheivement. Two of the better metal concept albums ever recorded - great songs, story, etc. Apparently Barlowe will stay...
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    Motorhead North America!

    A good set of dates in America (headlining) from the mighty Motorhead has become a rare thing. Glad to see they are doing it up right this year, and damn straight I'll be at the SF date! Jan. 25 - Anaheim CA - House of Blues Jan. 28 - Reno NV - Knitting Factory Jan. 29 - Las Vegas NV - HOB...
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    Here's Dio sounding awesome

    Witness proof that the great man never lost it. Live in 2009, a clip from the upcoming DVD. Long Live RJD.
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    The new Monster Magnet... bitching. Don't know if anyone here likes them, but I think Dave Wyndorf has a special kind of genius. I always see his stuff as a mix between Sabbath and the Stooges. This one will be on my year end list for sure.
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    The Final Frontier Redux

    I responded to an early post here about the new Maiden, saying I liked it. To be honest, I'd only heard it a couple of times in total at that point. I was going to revive that thread, but I think it has slipped down out of view. So..... I am of course aware that all musical opninions are...
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    The Wall Live

    I've been meaning to ask if anyone is attending this tour. I know there are some Floyd fans here. I'm very excited about this, and even though Gilmour won't be there, this looks to be one of the events of the decade. The footage from the shows (search Youtube if you are iterested) looks amazing...
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    It's just one song for charity, but it could be cool! Born Again still ranks (with me anyway) as a top notch Sabbath album. Iommi and Gillan did a re-record of Trashed a couple years ago for, "Gillan's Inn." Here come a new song, and with Nicko and Jon to boot! The death of RJD was such a...
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    White Lighter full record - Streaming

    Hi All, Some of you were nice enough to listen and comment on my band's rough mixes awhile back. Our final mix got put off for a LONG while because of, well, life and a lot of stuff. If you are interested, here's the whole album, final mix, in the order the songs appear on the CD. Old...
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    Kittybeast and Pabla on video

    So, I'm watching IMTV episode two this morning...and there are a couple of forum members! At about 3:25 in the video....!
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    Okay, here it is, my band - White Lighter

    Hi all - I mentioned this a long while back...but have finally posted a track to check out. It's not the final mix, which is why I was waiting, but I figured what the's in a good enough state to post. I'll post a couple more tomorrow. Some quick details - Band - White Lighter...
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    Half way through the year - what are you digging most?

    I ask because I'm sure there are some things I've missed....but also because we are half way through the year, and I'm curious to see what 2010 releases are mentally parked on everyone's top 10 lists. No order yet for me, but: Overkill - Ironbound (This will most likely be my number 1...
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    New Maiden Song streaming

    I'm digging it: