Search results

  1. Mammoth

    Who began the game? Bad-ass voice!

    1. Blackie Lawless (can't beat WASP) 2. Mr. Ronny James Dio 4. Senior Dickenson 5. Halford Your list better? OG guys, not talking new talents but forefathers of the path. OLD
  2. Mammoth

    This is where it began?

    Everyone got into guitar metal somehow... This are my fav non metal songs that got me into the path of finding metal 1. Vernon Reid "Fishbone" (blackflowers, fight the youth, everyday sunshine) 2. Billy Gibons (ZZ rules still) 3.Gary Moore (name it)
  3. Mammoth

    Jobs you degenerate humps.

    Figured I would spank the forum by doing a serious thread here. Being a metal nut myself and a below average poser guitarist with fingers like frozen german cocktail weiners with no hope in hell to ever catch a groupie besides the occational drunk fat blind chick, I thought I would shoot the...
  4. Mammoth

    Ok so the last one fell short...

    Being a "virtual" guitar god, such as myself, I found the last album short. SHORT, to be honest it was not only the honest word, but BAD! Is the band spanking who ever was respondsible for this "freak album"? WTF happened, this forum has dipped since last I graced these now damp fields. Shame...
  5. Mammoth

    Gay but new! Poser tries to make a name building new shit!

    Ok so here it is. Working on a new complete "hobo" custum guitar. With an Emg 81 at the stable and a "Sustainiac" at bridge. Anyone (bobvex) know of a place to find the body to fit these mics, Ibanez feel is a must ie. no cool bodies like Les Paul or B. C. crapola. Are there wiring difficulties...
  6. Mammoth

    Join the EVIL hoards of MOTH!

    Do not ask just go! It is called X-kings probably the worst online game EVER, but soooooo addictive! Moth is my god and I love him there for I will join this shitty game to make him strong and deadly!
  7. Mammoth


    Ok you SIGNATURE boys WTF is up you trying to clog this site with your huge ass sigs? Shame on you I give it freely to Seph, since he is too dumb to know the difference (and to much an old forum character to give a flying shit) but the rest of you shame!!! (TUT/Bodomite is discluded for...
  8. Mammoth

    So you collect and people mock you?!

    Well here it is kicking up the COB forum, AS IT NEEDS A KICK YO FUCKUNG FAN BOYS/GIRLS. I Collect: Vintage (1977-1985) Star Wars toys. I love the "you are to old to do this shit" thread so hammer me! :flame: I have a collection of 140+ figs and 50+ "unopened" I don't care if called a NERD! I...
  9. Mammoth

    How much did you miss me thread!

    Well here it is my infamous come back to this forum, I know the older schools will remember a faded name now give a thought!
  10. Mammoth

    Broken arm story?

    So wtf happened, know this is on topic but I am too fucking lazy to plow through the "on topic board", was there alcohol involved? On tour or off tour. Actually a link to thread or site would due! And when is the new album due? With or without Roope? Is he a member now or what? Oh and...
  11. Mammoth

    Special CD/DVD realease...

    Picked up a copy of the "guitartalk" CD/DVD. Granted it isn't Sun Caged but... Great CD!!! But I have to ask the... "Ok now I am warmed up!" part WTH? I laughed my ass off! Or do you warm up in five seconds? :ill: (I know it has to be a joke!) So Marcel, when is the next one due? Oh and...
  12. Mammoth

    Pc Game Whore Thread!

    Well just installed Doom 3 (which I got for 19 Euro!) These next months are going to be hard on my skin! Doom3 tomorrow(playing until my face gets that nice computer screen tan) then on Friday I am buying Star Wars-Battlefield(which is going to rock!!!). November 4:th it is Halo2 ltd. ed.(x-box)...
  13. Mammoth

    This song got me into it!

    This IS the song that made you love/make music!! "stockholm natt" song called "ensam kvar" EPIC SONG! made it for me...Catch it on a DC++ hub, listen then tell you story!
  14. Mammoth

    The fine art of writing hungover poetry...

    "As the mornings first lights broke the darkness into scattered shadows, red eyes slowly emerged from their hiding. The profound odor of liquor weaved it's way through the dimly lit room. The sound of a million angels beating their wings, battering a soul with debt and in the calmed chaos to...
  15. Mammoth

    The "I am drunk and I love you all!" Thread

    TUT Maiden Bob Ralf Bodomic Needled Mag Nut Somberlain(eh lars) David (UM names mean nothing to me!) :lol: Have a great FUCKING night guys!
  16. Mammoth

    Don't get MAD get EVEN!

    Well this is one of those crazy things people that know dick about the net do to themselves. Ok here is the story: I put a car out for sale this past month on a place called "blocket". I screwed up slighty when describing the car making it a '92 instead of a '91. So this one dick answeres by...
  17. Mammoth

    Slightly ashamed...

    After dropping my ears to other boards I find this board slightty embarassing! I also know why this board got trolled hard... The off-topic subjects are potentially really "gay". Don't want to bash my home board but for fucksake "sex or love" how old are you people.... Hrm... Non the less I...
  18. Mammoth

    Graphic cards...

    Upgrading my graphic card shortly. What is the "best" and what is the "best value" cards out there. Min of 256mb? Or.. Primarily being used for Half Life 2 and such craving games... Thinking of an ATI Radeon 9600XT.
  19. Mammoth

    Full Circle Into Insanity!

    Being Sooooo bored I came up with another one of those dumbass thread ideas. Two words that somehow combine to each other. Find the correlation. Like this. Hrmm... (stands up and breaks out speech) Blood----->Playgirl Blood=type O negative--->Peter Steele plays bass in that band--->he...
  20. Mammoth

    Shit I scored on Evil-bay thread!

    VoicePrism Plus $600 inclusive of freight to Sweden. Another nice Studio thingy I could turn around and sell for $900 at home tomorrow (granted it had arrived).