Search results

  1. N

    Ngale & Second Sky news?

    Checking the forum every now and then, hoping to see some news regarding Ngale or Second Sky. Its been awhile since last update. So; Dan, Dag + rest of the guys have you got any news for us? When can we expect a new release?
  2. N

    Recommend some AOR/prog softsynths

    Anyone got recommendation for some nice AOR/prog softsynths? As some may know, I am more of a guitarist, so I dont know much about synths at all.. All comments appreciated.
  3. N

    Second Sky - news?

    Dan, whats the status for this project right now?
  4. N


    Question for Dan: What exactly are the benefits from using a vocalbooth when recording vocals?
  5. N

    Funny buggers

    Craziest shit I`ve seen in a long time.. Hope I`m not offending anyone. I`m not the type of guy that usually make fun of retarded people, but the whole setting in this video was way to hilarious to not share :lol: :rock:
  6. N

    Happy amateurs and heavy guitars

    Tonight I felt it was about time to tab out some Swanö monster riffs. I hope some happy amateurs like myself out there will enjoy them! Please note that this is just how I believe they are played, as adapted by listening. Dan plays his own upsidedowntwistedkindaway, so please dont expect these...
  7. N

    Great musicians, dirty socks

    Baby loves rock!
  8. N

    Take cover!!

    Hi all, I find myself in the mood for recording another Swanö-coversong these days, anyone in for one more of those coversongcontest we had back in the good ol` days? I`d say no band/genre-limitations for this one, so we can choose between all the Swanö-related material. Just checking for...
  9. N

    Lets have a laugh! :)

    Off-topic: Post your URL`s to funny shit around the web Heres one from me, for starters: The lyrics on Invisible are certainly much better then the ones these guys came up with! :rock:
  10. N

    Off topic: Noise Pollution

    Recently, I went to a gig with 4 norwegian metal acts. I`ve seen lots of gigs during the past years, but this one made me think. The volume when the bands played was unbearable, it was 100% impossible to take one note from the other - just a high-pitched way-to-much-volume noise, and I mean...
  11. N


    I remember Dan started a thread last year, checking the interest for Tshirts. I`m just wondering if there`s some news about this topic? Sorry if this have been discussed already, I haven`t been visiting the forum the last 2-3 months. I`m very much interested in bying Ngale T`s. I need them in S...
  12. N


    Anyone interested in starting a discussion on recording? Mics, equipment, techniques ( i know that one is spelled wrong :tickled: ) etc. ? Maybe we could post some of our own songs here aswell, as I know there`s alot of musicians on this forum.
  13. N

    "Steal The Moon" cover-song

    Felt inspired after listening to Markus` version of EW, and spent yesterday recording a cover of "Steal The Moon" from the Ngale-album The Closing Chronicles. Hope some of you will check it out! Feel free to post your comments. Its in zip-format, since the host server seem to have a problem...
  14. N

    Public enemy #1

    I sure hope that George W. Bush and the American people understands that their war in Iraq will end the friendship between them and Europe. Although leaders of Great Britain and Spain claim they support your ignorant and naive ideas, their people protest against it. As far as I can see, Blair is...
  15. N

    Can someons please

    ... make a list of DT`songs that are similar to stagnant and christeen? I`m new to his music, and want to check some more songs before I go buy the albums. I checked some other songs made by him aswell, but they lacked the melodic touch I loved about the two other ones. Glad if someone can help...
  16. N

    Online Metal Awards

    Is it just me, or is it about time UM announce the winners of the voter prizes? The site ( say they are to be announced soon. A month and a half is nowhere near my definition of soon. Any comments?
  17. N

    Coversong contest #1 - Got the CD today!

    Thanx for sending me the CD Unicorn! Great job. Now that I`ve got it, I feel I should have used some more time to make "my" song sound better.. Anyway.. To late now! :) Greetings to all who "competed" ! IT ROCKS! :rock: :rock: :rock:
  18. N

    Some questions

    @ Dan & Dag : Will "Nightfall Overture v2.0" be included in "Alive Again". If not, are there any chance we can download an MP3 sometime soon? I`m dying to hear this.. @ Dan & Dag : The acoustic part in "Shadowman" sounds killer. Any chance you could tell me (us?) how you managed to...
  19. N

    Videoclip from ProgPower

    Can someone please tell me where to download this?
  20. N


    I`m wondering if any new songs have been uploaded since last time I checked (July)? If so, will anyone take the time and make a list for me, or bring the thread(s) back up to the top so that I can download the songs and check èm out? Feel free to make my day :)