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  1. Demonstealer

    Converting Kick and Snare Audio tracks to midi

    Can this be done? I believe it can. Any suggestions on what to use and how to do it? I do believe cubase 7 has some kind of feature but I'm not that high up on the cubase version so just curious if anyone knows any other way to get around to doing it. Cheers! Sahil
  2. Demonstealer

    Death Metal from India - Reptilian Death

    Well people I had posted many times for feedback previously and very happy and grateful to those who helped out. I'm very happy with the final product. We released the first single in the form of a Lyric video. Do check it out CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE LYRIC VIDEO Here is the album cover.
  3. Demonstealer

    My last request for feedback (for now) please oblige

    Hey guys last request for feedback for anything on this album at least :P I'm pretty happy with this to be quite honest but I thought I'd post it just to see if there is anything bad that sticks out. I tried to avoid making the master too hot and getting into the volume war thing...
  4. Demonstealer

    Help Me please, my biggest enemy is doubt

    So here is a mix. I just keep getting my confidence shattered everytime I listen to a pro mix and it's louder always. I'm trying very hard to avoid the 'loudness' factor and just mix and master and keep it real. Anyway so here is something I'd be grateful if you can critique. I'd put a thread...
  5. Demonstealer

    Secret Death Metal Project - Live Drums + Miked Guitars Etc

    I thought I'd be able to keep myself away from asking for feedback but since I can't. I'd love to hear everyones thoughts on this mix wise. It's acoustic drums with a triggered bass drum. It's 3 toms, 2 over heads, snare top and triggered kick and 1 room. The guitar is ESP AX-400 with EMG...
  6. Demonstealer

    Focusrite Saffire Liquid 56 - Live Drum Recording Test

    So I finally went ahead and bought the Liquid Saffire 56 and one of my engineer friends was kind enough to give me his Sennhieser Drum Mic kit so 3 tom mics and 2 overheads. I used a 57 on snare top and an electronic roland kick drum with a Yamaha DTXpress module. So I've done NOTHING much to...
  7. Demonstealer

    One Final Listen Please?

    So up and down and round and round I went and finally reached some level of happiness with what I managed to do. This is mixed and mastered (obviously not final yet) I would be grateful if someone can give it a listen and a final thought on it. My references for mastering were Katatonia...
  8. Demonstealer

    Help a brother out. PLEASE! Need mix feedback

    As I get closer to my deadlines I realize my confidence takes a real beating so any advice feedback on this would be muchly appreciated. This is fully mixed and mastered. Any suggestions on the mix or mastering itself will help. I've tried to avoid the volume war and pumping the levels too...
  9. Demonstealer

    Need some feedback please - Live drums, real amps

    So really could use some feedback on this mix. I know the snare verb is a bit funky and I'll probably sit and fix that soon. But anything else overall? I mixed and then mastered myself using stems of drums, snare, bass+guitar and vocals. I've got an L3 on the master and a gclip and I've...
  10. Demonstealer

    Liquid Saffire 56 - Any users here? reviews?

    So I have like this teeny room and I want to setup a live drum recording option for myself. Even if it's just an average tight sound that is cool with me. So like an 8 mic option is also fine and I found this product to be very interesting because it has 8 preamps on board so I essentially just...
  11. Demonstealer

    More Comedy Rock - Feedback Please

    So I posted a few days ago. I'm like on an ass raping deadline so trying to get as much of feedback as I can in. Here is a link to one of the songs. A mastered and unmastered version. Now if the kick drum is funky it's because I've got 1 live and 1 sampled with drumagog and the drumagog is...
  12. Demonstealer

    Comedy Rock Project - Mix Feedback Wanted

    So this is my first project with live drums. I had a really amazing engineer come and mic and track the drums with me. So I guess I'm most worried about getting a nice 'big' sounding mix and not messing things up with the drums. So here are two clips one just the drums and one with all the...
  13. Demonstealer

    Recording Drums without a Mixer and Phasing Issues

    Sorry got some error and ended up posting twice can a moderator please delete this thread. thanks
  14. Demonstealer

    Recording Drums without a Mixer and Phasing Issues

    Hey guys, Does anyone have any insight or links on some reading material. I'll be honest I'm a complete NOOB when it comes to recording and mixing live drums and I do struggle with it. I recorded drums in a studio which did not have a console and I was unable to print the...
  15. Demonstealer

    Recording Live Drums LAST!

    Okay I made a topic yesterday and can't it now. I assume it was deleted because I made it in the wrong place. I'm a little tired to type out the entire thing but my main question was Why do we record the drums first? Why can't I record them last? I'm working on a new album and for reasons...
  16. Demonstealer

    Do I really need to turn the amp up to 10?

    Do I really need to turn the amp up to 10 to get "the sound" I'm always using my amp at 3-4 in the jam room or even on a big arena stage I'm at MAX hitting 5 on the master volume. For my album I tuned it up to 10 and recorded it. But I'm just wondering do I really need to turn it up to...
  17. Demonstealer

    Need recommendations for a live drum recording setup

    Hey All, I've been off the forum for a bit since my last project completed. Anyway I've sound proofed my garage and been using it as a rehearsal room as well as a studio and I've tracked my guitars etc all there, now I want to start recording the acoustic drums as well. And I was...
  18. Demonstealer

    Anyone coming for Inferno Festival Norway?

    Is anyone comnig? :D
  19. Demonstealer

    My first music video (Demonic Resurrection)

    First up a big thanks to all the forummers who really helped me get my shit together, right from micing u the amp to fixing my mix. Learnt a lot from this forum so a big thank you to all. This is mixed/recorded by me and mastered by Zorran Mendonsa. Enjoy! :) PS - This is one of the 1st...
  20. Demonstealer

    The Indian is back! :)

    So here I am, after all the time. I finally got the mix done. Since my DIY mastering job was epic fail I just got a better engineer to do it so here is a clip of the final mix without any mastering. And full credit to the better engineer for the snare sound on the mix.This will be mastering over...