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  1. Raumien


  2. Raumien

    How did you find you favorite bands?

    As the title says. Ayreon - Back when I first got the program soulseek, one day I opened up my soulseek folder and saw that an Ayreon album, The Dream Sequencer Part 1 specifically, had been downloaded. I didn't remember telling it to, but I figured, it's here so I'll try it out. I listened...
  3. Raumien

    Album Recommendation Thread

    Death - Individual Thought Patterns (Progressive Death Metal) Death is another band that overstepped the bounderies that many bands of a genre fail to cross. This album is one of their most progressive's such a different sound than their early albums like Leprosy and Scream...
  4. Raumien

    Good Torrent Sites

    Well, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask this here, but I've seen plenty of posts on how to use DC to get music and Soulseeek, so I figured it's alright. Does anyone know some good Bittorrent sites for downloading albums?
  5. Raumien

    Death Spray Paint Art

    Just finished. I think it turned out well. Pulled some paint off on the scythe but it doesn't look so bad. For those of you who are at a great loss in the world of music, Death is a band. Really good band at that. Got the logo from their last studio album before Mr. Chuck Schuldiner...
  6. Raumien

    Super Stoner Hippie Fuck 8)

    I have no idea, so don't ask. Aloff! I made. :D
  7. Raumien

    What Band Do You Own The Most Albums Of?

    For me, it's Rush. Just bought Fly by Night tonight, so I have: Rush - 2112 Rush - A Farewell To Kings Rush - Chronicles (2 disc) Rush - Counterparts Rush - Fly By Night Rush - Grace Under Pressure Rush - Hemispheres Rush - Hold Your Fire Rush - In Rio (DVD) Rush - Moving Pictures...
  8. Raumien

    Favorite Band Names

    Same as the other thread except it's favorite names instead of lamest. Electric Wizard Death Satyricon Amon Amarth Maniac Butcher (Probably the only comedy name I actually like) Control Denied Black Sabbath Ayreon Dream Theater
  9. Raumien

    Post Your Desktop

    Post a picture of your Computers desktop. Full Version
  10. Raumien

    Anyone Else Think These Songs Are Oddly Similar?

    Kreator - Pleasure To Kill - 12. Awakening Of The Gods Helheim - Terrorveldt - 2. Jernskogen Listen to the first minute or so of the Kreator song, then listen to the Helheim song starting at 1:40. I don't know, but to me they sound sound oddly similar at those parts of the songs...
  11. Raumien

    Best Bands While Stoned

    What bands do you think best benefit from the state of being stoned? I have a few. First off, Ayreon. They're a pretty impressive progressive / ambient type of 'metal' group and when you're stoned everything just sort of...comes together more and it's really amazing. Tool is...
  12. Raumien

    Iced Earth Loses Another Band Member Kind of saddens me, he is one of my favorite metal drummers. I've never heard any of his comedy work though, I'll have to check that out, hahah.
  13. Raumien

    Suicidal Tendencies

    Yeah, not the most metal group, oh well. I love this band. They're pretty original and have their own style, play with tons of attitude. Skilled musicians, solos from every instrument (That are good too :D ). Admittedly, a lot of their lyrical themes are a little on the immature side, but...
  14. Raumien

    Don't really know anywhere else to ask...

    ...but does anyone know some good forums for sex and topics related to sexuality, such as certain things you can do with partners and stuff? There was something my partner and I were considering trying, but I wanted to educate myself first.
  15. Raumien

    Skill Or Attitude - Which Do You Prefer?

    Me and my friend were talking about this, he prefers attitude in a band to skill. He could care less if the production is shit and a few of them are off on their notes some, as long as it sounds metal and they have attitude. Myself, I adore technical metal and Progressive metal bands and their...
  16. Raumien

    Iced Earth Show Pictures

    I attended the Iced Earth concert last Sunday, the first ever show with Tim Owens. They did a superb job, Tim blew me away. Their new album doesn't do him justice, he's simply killer when he's live. They did two triologies, Something Wicked and Gettysburg, did a lot of good songs off older...
  17. Raumien

    Cool, but odd cover songs by Metal groups

    Blind Guardian - White Room It's a cover of the Cream classic. It's really well done I think, the instrumentals are spot on and HAnsi sounds great. I wish he had used a little more variety in his voice, but overall it's a nice metal rendition of one of my favorite songs. Entombed -...
  18. Raumien

    I'm looking for more progressive metal bands similar to Atheist, Cynic, Watchtower, Spastic Ink etc....Any recommendations?
  19. Raumien

    Harsh Manner...Check These Guys Out

    Excuse the double post, I was having troubles with the site. Mods, delete this. Refer to this thread:
  20. Raumien

    Harsh Manner...Check These Guys Out

    Harsh Manner is a local band (north Canton, Ohio....right by Akron) that I think is really good. I recently uploaded their new, and first demo, Before The Dawn, to an FTP of mine. I don't know how much traffic I'm allowed, so I'm releasing the link to this forum and the metal archives forums...