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  1. S


    hi just a quick hello to everyone :Spin:
  2. S

    Merry Xmas Everyone

    HEY HOPE EVERYONE HAS A NICE XMAS!! :rock: :Smokin: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
  3. S


    i swear to god beckoning of the end still blows me away everytime i listen to it!!! ive had it a while now and i must of played it a thousand times MORE GIGS WOULD BE VERY NICE GUYS AND STILL THE PAIN SURRONDS THE SADNESS, BEYOND THIS LIFE WERE PUSHED WITH TIME THE FEAR OF THE...
  4. S


    its oh so quiet ddd dd ddd and peaceful and until dddd dd hmmmmmmmmm how the devil is everyone???????????????? :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave
  5. S

    bands youll never see

    just sat chillin out and i out some beatles stuff on(one of my fav bands btw) and it came to me that im never gonna get to see them live obvs cause half of them are dead. :cry: kinda made me a bit sad dunno why just thought id share that with everyone dont know why probs cause im bored...
  6. S

    fuckin ozzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    ne one goin to see ozzy at newcastle \m/ :Spin: :OMG: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
  7. S

    errrrrr the sheer amout of 54 fans called tony

    just a thought there seems to be a shitload of 54 fans all called tony post if ur called tony errr post if ur not im bored so errrrr peace out :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
  8. S

    dream band line up?????

    hey if you had to put together a dream band line up who wud it be ur allowed 2 guitar players a bassist a drummer and one singer mine would be bass, jason newstead( ex tallica) drums, joey (slipknot i know the band suck but hes a gd drummer) guitars would be zakk wylde,(OZZY bls)...
  9. S

    hey guys (hartlepool again)

    hey that was a great show!!! i would like to than all me,bers of the band for taking the time out the other night for chattin with me and stuff it was really cool but mainly i would like to than laura for letting me play your bass and your advice(thank you) and to tony i got that last dut...