Search results

  1. Nebulous

    Enter Twilight - progressive/ symphonic metal

    Sorry lads, after years on and off this forum, it's time for some self promo! Australian metal band Enter Twilight have reformed after 10 years away from the scene. 2015 saw our first show back with a set list of old favourites (such as Secrets below, from our 2005 album The Inner Verse) and...
  2. Nebulous

    Enter Twilight - Progressive/ symphonic metal

    Australian metal band Enter Twilight have reformed after 10 years away from the scene. 2015 saw our first show back with a set list of old favourites (such as Secrets below) and fresh new tracks, and 2016 is shaping up to be a good one with gigs in the works and more writing planned. If you like...
  3. Nebulous

    WTB - Engl pro series 2x12 vertical cab

    Hi Lads, I'm trying my luck at finding an Engl pro series 2x12 vertical cab in the second hand market. Located in Melbourne, Australia. Cheers. Daniel
  4. Nebulous

    Sansamp Bass driver as live rig- no amp required?

    Some friends of mine are looking for someone to help them out with bass duties in their prog/ power band. I have a bass and that will serve well enough for recording, however if I am to join as a full time member I may run into issues if I need a full amp/ cab rig to play live. I've had it...
  5. Nebulous

    Software authentication- no net on audio PC

    Hey guys, I run two PCs/ hard drives, one with internet access for personal use and one without internet access for Audio only work. Up until now I have been able to authenticate plug ins and programs easily enough with serial numbers and iLok v1. Now with iLok v2 I'm having issues as it...
  6. Nebulous

    Caparison Guitars

    When I first joined here there were a number of forum members who owned and praised Caparison guitars, back at the same time when Evergrey were recent additions to the endorsee roster and Soilwork were making their mark with their Dellingers. Now days there seems to be very little mention of...
  7. Nebulous

    Favourite guitar mods

    Where in the past I didn't want to believe in the snake oil aspects of guitar mods/ parts replacement and just accepted my production guitars as-is, some recent reading on other forums of big block and trem stoppers for Floyds has piqued my interest in their validity. Of course, those other...
  8. Nebulous

    WTB: Caparison Horus

    I'm looking for a good-to-new condition Caparison Horus. Preference: various blue bodies with maple board, stock pickups, stock floating trem (bigger block or similar mods are ok), Australian based seller a bonus. Anyone looking to offload one within or willing to ship to Oz? Offers given...
  9. Nebulous

    Need a new screen

    Hey lads, Just hoping to get a bit of assistance with a new purchase. I'm finally ditching my 15 inch screen in favour of something 20-23. I have these two 23's in mind, as they both fall into my sub $200AUS budget. I am able to see one in store but not the other. Thoughts on these or any...
  10. Nebulous

    New Theocracy album teaser

    Check it out. Sounds promising!
  11. Nebulous

    Best album of 2011

    So with about three months left for 2011, what's your top album released this year? My hands down winner is and likely will be, regardless of any late releases, Orpheus' Bleed the way. A real credit to the band and forum members that were involved in it's making. It hasn't left my car since...
  12. Nebulous

    New Circus Maximus

    .... new studio blog is online :D Little bits sound really promising!
  13. Nebulous

    Gear question for Michael Kammeyer

    Hi Michael, I hope you're still around these parts to take some questions. On LOTBC especially, do you remember which amp and cab you used in the studio? Any information you remember would be great :) Thanks Daniel
  14. Nebulous

    Keeping guitars in cars

    I'm thinking of purchasing a cheap, second hand, pre-beaten guitar to keep in my car as a traveller/ lunch break escape. Have any of you had a bad experience with keeping guitars in your car for too long? Could the varying temps ruin the neck? The guitar I have in mind is a cheap LP copy...
  15. Nebulous

    HTC Legend

    Anyone out there have an HTC Legend? The phone overall is fine for me, but I need to work out how to adjust the messages/ conversations so that it starts at the newest message, instead of the oldest. Please tell me there is a setting I'm not seeing or an app to fix this!!! Reaching 1000...
  16. Nebulous

    Licenced Floyd Rose replacement parts

    I have two Jacksons, a PS2 and DK2M. The DK2M is in pretty good condition, but the PS2 is starting to need some TLC. On top of the re-fret I think it may need, the LFR bridge could benifiet to have some parts replaced: fine tuners, string bocks and possibly saddles. So my question to those...
  17. Nebulous

    GOOD guitar teachers in Melbourne.

    I'm calling out for help from all the fellow Melbourne Sneapsters. This is MY year. If I don't become a huge leap closer to being the guitarist that I want to be this year then I probably never will. I'm sick of feeling below the level I want to be. So please help me, recommend me some...
  18. Nebulous

    Cubase issue- VST connection lost

    I've been working on a recording and mix with a friends band for a while now, and just as I'm putting the finishing touches on it to get paid this weekend Cubase starts crashing whenever I open and then go to close my Nomad Retrology plugins. It gives me an error advising that the VST connection...
  19. Nebulous

    Guitar playing posture

    The last 8 months I've been working on relief for my lower back pain, but when playing guitar sitting down (ie, practicing studiously) I can't seem to stop it from hurting. 30 minutes of playing is ok, but in that time all I've done is warmed up. The obvious answer is "play standing up", which...
  20. Nebulous

    It's THAT time of year again

    Where we give thanks to Matt Smith and beg that he does another Xmas song for us all to enjoy. I've been rocking the earlier ones since yesterday and can't wait for a new one. :worship: