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  1. S

    Going back in time, 1981

    Original 1980 thread here: Suggestions welcome, 1980 list is stuff I will try to get once I get to a city with an actual music store. Please keep your suggestions to year 1981. No demos, no live albums, no...
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    Going back in time, 1980 -

    Well, I have decided to start growing my music collection in a little different way, I'm going back to 1980 and work my way up to current day, buying all the good albums on the way. But, I need your help since I was rather young in 1980 ;) So if you have a suggestion for an album I should add...
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    Questions for the "soul"

    I'm sure there's been a million threads like this, some maybe even here, but since I can't remember any of them or seeing any, here you go. I will post a new question every week... if people answer this one that is. (I basicly stole this from some book that was mentioned in an email sent to...
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    Nostrasalamurhaaja Predicts!

    In year of the piggy you shall see a meteoric rise only to fizzle away like it's namesake. The 3 will go forth on their ride while the last will fade to black like the boyloving man he is imitating.
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    RIAA wants the internet shut down!

    RIAA wants the Internet shut down How arrogant are these bastards getting... "We are suing you, but we don't bother telling you what you did wrong, cos hey, we just want your money without going to court, so pay up, bitch, we are the RIAA, you can't win, your government is in our pocket, your...
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    This better fucking stop before it fucking starts. [Edit: better make it a link now ;) ] A picture is better than a 1000 words. Marks fucking greed is getting ridiculous.
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    Finally someone seems to get it!

    I am not sure if this totally belongs here, but you all know how I feel about copy protections of all sorts and now, someone finally is getting it: Source: The Register The employer mentioned in that quote by the way is non other than Microsoft or as I like to call them Mickey Snot...
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    Osmose Productions can suck my dick!

    I just broke their lame ass copy protection shit and now I will spread it all over the net as MP3s, you fucking deserve to be out of business! Actually I would never do that, since this CD wouldn't help it, being old as hell, 1996. I hope some of the producers of CDs read this, cos I have...
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    Rejected, watch it and learn!

    Well, since there is all kinda spam here, this bit fits perfectly: 12MB download tho. Edited the F'ed up link.
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    Anyone know Absu?

    I got this Order thing with my Marduk CD and it had a shirt for Absu, the backside said 'Mythological Occult Metal' on it. I was wondering if anyone has heard them and what they think of it, any bands to compare it with and so on. I have found one MP3 from them 'Customs Of Tasseomancy', but I...
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    Anyone know Absu?

    I got this Order thing with my Marduk CD and it had a shirt for Absu, the backside said 'Mythological Occult Metal' on it. I was wondering if anyone has heard them and what they think of it, any bands to compare it with and so on. I have found one MP3 from them 'Customs Of Tasseomancy', but I...
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    Burzum (Varg Vikernes): Moron or a hero?

    I vote for moron :grin:
  13. S

    This goes to show you...

    ...that some albums need a certain mood to hit a chord. When I first got Last Fair Deal Gone Down it wasn't doing much, only listened it 3 times thru. Now I am a bit down and somewhat bored, been up 3 hours cos I can't sleep and figured I give it another shot, now I don't know why but it...
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    I don't like the Swedish language, yet...

    Vintersorgs Naturens Galleri kicks MAJOR ASS!! Could someone possibly translate it? I think I might give the other Swedish albums a try too, how weird...
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    Never heard Evergrey

    So can anyone tell me a bit what kind of music it is and maybe suggest some songs to download? or possibly suggest the best one to start from these 3 albums: In Search Of Truth Solitude Dominance Tragedy The Dark Discovery Do they have more albums? (yes, I am too bored/lazy/out of...
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    Wannabe aka how nu-metal is born?

    Disclaimer : my Swedish is not the best in the world (ok, it sucks ass) so I may have misunderstood something about this show, doubt it tho. Also I definetly have not wasted my time to follow this show, seen about 3 of it. OK, so I was watching this show called Wannabe on the swedish Viasat...
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    Question for Swedes.

    WTF is this Baren 5 program (on channel 3) all about? I seen the comercials and if that don't look like the stupidest thing I have ever seen, I don't know what is. And the guy yoddling or whatever, someone please shoot him now before he reproduces!