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  1. Section16

    Jag Panzer / Titan Force Schedule Colorado Springs Concerts.

    I wanted to post some concert news on Jag Panzer and Titan Force for anyone that might be interested (and of course throw in some shameless self promotion as well). Jag Panzer / Titan Force Schedule Colorado Springs Concerts. JAG PANZER, the legendary Colorado-based power metal band...
  2. Section16

    TITAN FORCE (w/Harry Conklin) Schedules Colorado Springs Concert

    Hello to all on the mighty ProgPower USA Forum! I thought I'd post this info on here in case anyone was interested. TITAN FORCE, the Colorado-based band fronted by JAG PANZER singer Harry Conklin, will play on Saturday, March 29 at the Union Station in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This will...
  3. Section16

    New Metro Society CD (with Corey Brown on vocals) now available at The Laser's Edge

    Hi all, Just wanted to post that the new Metro Society CD (featuring Corey Brown on vocals) is available online through Ken Golden at The Laser's Edge ( Just wondering if anyone has heard any of the music yet and if anyone had any thoughts (good or bad). I personally...
  4. Section16

    Magnitude 9/Section 16 update

    Hello all, Thought I would drop by with an update on Magnitude 9. Writing has begun on new material for the next CD. So far the songs have a heavier edge than "Decoding the Soul" but are still very melodic. No completion date has been set yet. Also in other news, writing and recording...
  5. Section16

    Magnitude 9/Section 16 update

    Hello all, Thought I would drop by with an update on Magnitude 9. Writing has begun on new material for the next CD. So far the songs have a heavier edge than "Decoding the Soul" but are still very melodic. No completion date has been set yet. Also in other news, writing and recording...