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  1. T_man357

    O/T Carson Palmer traded to the Raiders.. Damn Thraxx!!! Think the Raiders are thinking Super Bowl this year?? Awesome move!! With as weak as the AFC is this year and as improved as your boys look, I can't wait to see how this season...
  2. T_man357

    Al Davis dead....

    I used to say how Al needed to die for The Raiders to improve as a team, and this year they are showing monster improvement and will probably win the AFC West.. I hope he got to see the games this year and the progress made since he was surely a part of it.. GOD rest your soul Al, I said alot...
  3. T_man357

    O/T Question..

    Hey, I know you jokers are a pretty knowledgeable bunch from time to time and figure I'll throw this question out to you guys since I can't find an anwser anywhere... A friend of mine wants to know what pickups Spike from D.R.I was using on either 4 of a Kind or Thrashzone. I've gone through...
  4. T_man357

    O/T - Wildcard Weekend

    Well, it's that time of the year again and I can't wait for next weekend to see who the Pats play... But for now I'll concentrate on today & tomorrow.... This is pretty much how I see it playing out... SAT: Seahawks + 10.5 (I don't expect them to win, but 3 scores is alot of points on...
  5. T_man357

    NFL Thraxx

    Hey Thraxx, I believe you deserve your own thread for that win yesterday!!! I hope you were there basking in all the glory of beating the best team in the NFL (According to some anyway) :lol: Their special teams and defense looked great!! Just get ready for the excuses to fly far and fast...
  6. T_man357

    Healthcare for Seniors..

    So you're a senior citizen and the government says no health care for you, what do you do? Our plan gives anyone 65 years or older a gun and 4 bullets. You are allowed to shoot 2 senators and 2 representatives. Of Course, this means you will be sent to prison where you will get 3 meals a day, a...
  7. T_man357


    Hey peeps, I know that I'm not the only one from Mass on this board and just want to ask the rest of you Massholes to get out and vote for Scott Brown tomorrow. No excuses, I know it's snowing and if you're as unlucky as me at the moment you're up to your ass in snow with more on the...
  8. T_man357


    Damn straight!!! Psyched for Thursday!!
  9. T_man357

    This shit drives me fucking crazy!!!

    I would rather not know shit like this!!! "T" The actress Natasha Richardson died after falling skiing in Canada . It took eight hours to drive her to a hospital. If Canada had our healthcare she might be alive today. We now have helicopters that would have gotten her to the hospital in...
  10. T_man357

    An experiment in Socialism...

    An economics professor at Stanford College made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class. -------------------------------------------- That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would...
  11. T_man357


    I have to be honest, I don't give a shit who sings, plays guitar or dances for Anthrax!! The band is over and the sideshow has been going on for years now....... That being said I figure I'll go with what I know. THRAXX!! You crazy black hole living bastard!! How are things in Oaktown...
  12. T_man357

    NFL Strength of Schedules list... Kind of seems like a load of shit to have the Super Bowl Champs playing such a pussy schedule for 09.. But oh well, it won't matter much by seasons end. GO PATS!!!:kickass::rock:
  13. T_man357

    Jay Cutler a Bear I am sorry but there is NO WAY that this crybaby loser is worth 2 first round picks!! I guess the Bears are happy being less than successful..... Cutler is a completely unproven QB who plays in a shit division and can't even beat up on the...
  14. T_man357

    Interesting Read..

    I know the liberal retards will be on in full force pissing & moaning how this is all untrue....Well screw 'em!! I'm used to it here by now..I found this an interesting read!! I know that many of you are sick and tired of all > this political BS but if you read just one more thing between...
  15. T_man357

    NFL Draft, April 26th

    So who's favorite is going to do what?? Thraxx, Is Darren Mcfadden Raider bound?? What's the story in Oakland? Who they looking at? Flavio, I have no idea as to what the Chargers are going to do? I mean it seems like they're already stacked with talent at like every position!! What's the...
  16. T_man357

    Thraxx (NFL Talk)

    Hey Thraxx, Though the Raiders will ALWAYS suck in my opinion the off season moves they're making have been WAY above average!! Letting Sapp retire - BRILLIANT!! He's been useless for a long time!! Signing Tommy Kelly long term Javon Walker will be Russell's primary target all year long...
  17. T_man357

    Look at this clown..

    He's too special to show respect for our flag... A muslim as president of the United States will definitely mean the end is near..
  18. T_man357

    Question for the forum...

    I'm curious as to who people are favoring for the presidency with the primaries having kicked off and all?? Billy, I'd like to know who you're backing.. I love The Bottom Line!! And am curious if I'm close to your pick.. I'm all about Huckabee in the primary!! His 2nd Amendment stance is...
  19. T_man357

    And So Another N.F.L. Season Begins....

    Hey Thraxx.... Good luck to your Raiders this year!!! I still think they'll be picking in the top 3 of next years draft..... But for your sake I hope not!! Here's my picks for Week 1 8:30 p.m. ET New Orleans Saints Indianapolis Colts Sun Sep 9, 2007 1:00 p.m. ET Denver...
  20. T_man357

    Can anyone help me out...

    Van Halen tickets for the Boston Garden show Oct 30th go onsale tomorrow at 10AM.. My best friend asked me to secure two for him and his wife.. Does anyone know if there's going to be a pre sale today and if so what the password for Boston will be? Any help will be greatly appreciated...