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  1. Evil Ernie

    record-a-riff thread anyone?

    Can't find the old threads so I'll just start a new one. I just bought a Gibson Studio Les Paul and I wanted to record some stuff. This is a little Blackwater Park play along, I'm on the left channel, the original song is panned right. A few mistakes, its a very rough mix, but the tone is...
  2. Evil Ernie

    A call to photoshop bitches

    I need your help. I have an Opeth cover band, named Deliverance, and we are starting to do some gigs. We would need to have a flyer, something that would get the attention of every Opeth fan passing by. The thing is, we all suck with photoshop and stuff. I know a lot of crazy fans here are...
  3. Evil Ernie

    Once and Future King

    Hi all, I'm intersted in buying this 2 disc rock opera by Gary Hughes, but I hardly can get any sample to get a quick overview of the album before buying it. I though some of you might be able to quickly review it so I can have an idea of what it is worth. I am a big fan of Ayreon's The Human...
  4. Evil Ernie

    Serenity Painted Death

    Is there anyone who could tab correctly the lead guitar of SPD at 2:47? A complete and accurate tab of the entire song would also be appreciated. Shtanks.
  5. Evil Ernie

    Covering Opeth

    I'm in an Opeth cover band just for the fun of it and we're opening a little amateur gig in about a month. We will play Bleak, Hope Leaves and The Drappery Falls. We plan on learning more songs for later gigs. Deliverance would be the next on the list. The boyz also want to play Master's...
  6. Evil Ernie

    Why does Adagio kick major arse?

    Hi all, I was listening to Underworld comming back from work tonight and I was kinda pointing out de various strenghts of this great band. I wanted to ask you guys what do you think is the best part of Adagio's music. What do you think is the most important strenght that makes this band...
  7. Evil Ernie

    Fender Hot Noiseless

    Hey, I finally decided I'll put a Fender Hot Noiseless pickups set in my old Mexican strat. My first idea was SD Hot Rails, but these are too expensive. Anyone tried the Noiseless pickups?
  8. Evil Ernie

    Strat pickup configuration

    Hi there, I wanted to upgrade my ol' Fender Strat Mexico cause it's all rusty and sounds very weak for heavy ass guts spilling metal, ya know. So I though about what the hell I could buy to have high output and decent control on my sound, and I came up with these (all Seymour Duncan...
  9. Evil Ernie

    Some wicked home recording tone

    I've been working a lot on my recordings lately and today I came out with the best guitar tone I have ever produced, so I wanted to share it. It is just de first minute of Judas Priest's Nightcrawler. On this file you can really hear the guitar sound ...
  10. Evil Ernie

    About AMG...

    I read bios and reviews quite frequently on this site (, and I think it is a very resourceful website. However, they are uber obsessed by Queensryche's Operation : Mindcrime. Every fucking time I read a review of a conceptual album, from Symphony X's V to Mayhem's Grand Declaration...
  11. Evil Ernie

    Any bassist out there?

    Hi all, I was screwing up with my recording stuff last night and I decided to record the ending of In the Mist She Was Standing (beautyful part, isn't it?). The only thing is that I ain't got any good bass sample so there's no bass on the track, and it would definetly be more intersting if...
  12. Evil Ernie

    Another home recording thread

    Hi all, We're all bored of these threads, but we all have questions about recording! I use fruity loops to record drum tracks (btw, any of you has good cymbals samples to share?) and Cool Edit Pro to record and mixdown the whole thing, but I don't know of any efficient way to program bass...
  13. Evil Ernie

    Gore Feast 2 : All u can eat

    I just borrowed this DVD from a gore loving friend and I was wondering if any of you saw this movie or any other Gordon Lewis / Friendman gory picture. This is going to be sick :hypno:
  14. Evil Ernie

    Fruity Loops

    Hi all, Anyone knows how to make n-tuplets out of Fruity Loops?
  15. Evil Ernie

    Synth drum recording

    Hi all, I would like to record whole songs at home but I don't know about the many different ways to add synthetized drum tracks (bass as well by the way). I noticed some dudes, Shard on the Opeth board for instance, are using Guitar Pro drums. How you record that? Can you convert guitar...
  16. Evil Ernie

    Favorite Opeth riff

    I don't know if anyone posted this thread before, I'm new to this board. Anyways... Here it comes Share your favorite Opeth riffs; please profide song title and riff time. Mine are : Godhead's Lament - 5:52 Blackwater Park - 1:58 In the Mist She Was Standing - 12:08