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  1. Metal Immortal

    On Vintersorg, and the Viking Metal

    I recently got an mp3 from a band called Vintersorg. The song was called the The Thesis's Seasons from the album The Focusing Blur. I love that mp3 like it were my child. It's the most interesting music I've heard in a while. What I am wondering: have any of you heard Vintersorg, and what albums...
  2. Metal Immortal

    The Death of Dimebag the Great

    Dimebag, the most wonderful guitarist of Pantera, is dead. He was shot and killed while playing at a concert for his current band, Damage Plan. Now I'm no fan of such a band, but I am a fan of Dimebags guitar work when he was a part of Pantera. Listen to Coyboys from Hell if you diagree with me...
  3. Metal Immortal

    My Dream Concert: What are the 5 best bands live?

    1. Iced Earth- I saw them live once and the glory of such songs as Red Baron and Gettysburg were incredible. 2. Manowar- That would just be a fucking fun show. Loudest metal band ever!!! :rock: 3. Symphony X- This band just kicks ass left and right with songs like Inferno, Smoke and Mirrors...
  4. Metal Immortal

    Ripper or Barlow? That is(n't) the question.

    Since the dawn of time, or, more likely, since the dawn of the Glorious Burden, Iced Earth fans all over the universe have been asking themselves only one question: "Ripper or Barlow?" For some, the question is easily answered; for others, the truth is not so obvious. The singers are very...
  5. Metal Immortal

    Spiral Tower: Does anyone know anything about this band?

    I just bought a CD called Mindkiller by Spiral Tower. It caught my eye because it is a band with the same name as a Psychotic Walzt song. It is pretty good. It as only 6 bucks. Does anyone have any more information about this band? The Web has nothing much to offer.
  6. Metal Immortal

    The Hall of Heroes Part Two- The Return

    Hansi of Blind Guardian. Micheal Romeo of Symphony X. Dan Rock of Psychotic Waltz. Arjen Luccasen of Ayreon. James Labrei od Dream Theater John Petrucci of Dream Theater Micheal Pinella of Symphony X Joey Demioe of Manowar Tim Owens and Jon Shaffer of Iced Earth on...
  7. Metal Immortal

    Psychotic Waltz: The Forgotten Heros of Progressive Metal?

    For those of you who don't know about Psychotic Waltz, all I have to say is "What the hells the matter with you?!" For those of you who do know about Psychotic Waltz, let me shake your hand. We Psychotic Waltz fans are few, and it is a sad thing. Here's a link that has some of their songs on...
  8. Metal Immortal

    Symphony X and the Planets...?

    I just need somebody elses opinoin about the Divine Wings of Tragedy, and why it sounds to much like the planets. Why didn't Holst get put in the credits or anything?