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  1. AsModEe

    Anyone got the new Moonspell?

    Listening to the first song... so far, very good stuff! More feedback will be posted later.
  2. AsModEe

    sup ladies

    Hey all, I got a new computer in May and was too lazy to log back on UM until now, so I was away for a while. Did I miss anything? I lurked a bit before coming back, and I noticed 3 things: 1. Psycroptixx is still oh so hot 2. Victim of the night is very hot as well 3. Varg seems to be a...
  3. AsModEe

    Holy fuck, can't Timmo Tolki shut the fuck up for a second?

    this is just insane DIE
  4. AsModEe

    Tom Warrior's new band: Tryptikon (or whatever the name)

    Well, I guess he just decided to drop the guitar and pick the keyboard. Ouuuuhhhh ambiance! /bored
  5. AsModEe

    Tommy Vexx kicked out of Divine Heresy

    Hehe maybe now they could get a decent singer.
  6. AsModEe

    So, what are you guys doing up at this hour???

    12:30 AM here, and I'm studying for my last final tomorrow before summer break. I'll probably be up all night.
  7. AsModEe

    Sup guys

    Hey, just passing by saying I bought your new album and it fucking slays! Nice work guys, can't wait to hear future stuff from you.
  8. AsModEe

    what's with the "AH CMON FUCK A GUY" thing?

    Explain yourselves.
  9. AsModEe

    New Moonspell songs on their myspace

    Interesting stuff Sorry for those who also post on the Neverboard... double thread.
  10. AsModEe

    New Moonspell songs on their myspace

    Very interesting stuff, a potential must buy? I really like Night Eternal
  11. AsModEe

    Did you hear the new Testament track??

    Pretty kickass song. Can't wait for the new album.
  12. AsModEe

    Will be at Edmonton, Alberta, next week!

    We got a congress (parties) the entire week in Edmonton next week. I think some RC poster hails from there (Demilich?)?. We got the west edmunton mall's pools reserved for us a whole day, and we're going to see the Oiler's play against LA. We also got a few doctors in pharm@cy telling us...
  13. AsModEe

    Your favorite song on the new Primordial?

    Heathen tribes
  14. AsModEe

    Happy holidays bitches

    I won't be around for a week (going back to mom and dad's) so I'll take this opportunity right before I leave to wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year!
  15. AsModEe

    Hey Anvil

    I didn't know you were a poster :tickled:
  16. AsModEe

    The most unruly news of the year

    Either this is a joke, or it's the best fucking news ever!
  17. AsModEe

    Dog rapes a kid playing Wii

    We now see Nintendo's evil intentions of creating a sub race of dogmen
  18. AsModEe

    Question for Ars Magna (or anyone with Label knowledge)

    Hey, my brother has his own band based in Sherbrooke, and they're putting some of their stuff on myspace. A label (Quickstar Productions) asked them if they wanted to be on a metal compilation, and if so, they had to give Quickstar 200$ so they can buy CDs, masterize the stuff and make the...
  19. AsModEe

    Hi Im RIA and I'm drunk

    bla bla we're drunk car stuff assmode is wax LOL end of thread
  20. AsModEe

    Am I an alchololic?

    To celebrate my pretty good grades considering my part time job at the ******** and the constant partying, I decided to drink a bottle of wine all on my own tonight and don't feel drunk at all. Wtf?