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  1. chynablue

    OT - China Blue album released today through Frontiers

    Hey folks, It's been awhile since the China Blue track "What Do You Need But Love/Air to Breathe" appeared on the Prog Power compilation disc. A lot of you seemed to like it, as well as my previous work with Vox Tempus. After much work and sweat, the China Blue CD was finally released...
  2. chynablue


    Hey folks....long time no see. It's been a pretty busy year over here but I just wanted to give a shout out and give up some good news: VOX TEMPUS SIGNS WITH ANGEL MILK RECORDS: Press Release / Vox Tempus is proud to have signed an exclusive deal with Angel Milk Records in Europe! This has...
  3. chynablue

    Progression Magazine and the "Why can't Enchant play Prog Power" thread

    I don't know if any of you read Progression Magazine, it is the premier print magazine for Progressive Rock music in the U.S. They ran a four page Vox Tempus spotlight in their current issue #50, featuring a lengthy interview with me. It was a great opportunity to credit my friends and give...
  4. chynablue

    Hey Enchant guys!

    Hey guys, I've leaving for San Luis Obispo in about an hour to pick up Josh Ramos ( - then we're driving to Marin to hang out for a week and write his new solo album. Let me know if any of you will be around, have any cool gigs going on this week, etc. If we can squeeze it in...
  5. chynablue

    For the kiddies - Live at Last...

    Hey folks I just wanted to drop a line and see how things were going. I received a great call from Ed yesterday, and I've been feeling nostalgic for that killer weekend in San Francisco where Live at Last was recorded. I've been listening to the album for most of the day, and my wife's...
  6. chynablue

    OT - Vox Tempus signs with Z Records

    VOX TEMPUS INK DEAL Z Records are very proud to announce the signing of Vox Tempus, the bands amazing debut "The Eye Of Time" will be released in Europe during late May 05. Eric Ragno made the following statement after signing with Z.... "Vox Tempus is excited to be joining the...
  7. chynablue

    OT - Vox Tempus signs with Z Records

    VOX TEMPUS INK DEAL Z Records are very proud to announce the signing of Vox Tempus, the bands amazing debut "The Eye Of Time" will be released in Europe during late May 05. Eric Ragno made the following statement after signing with Z.... "Vox Tempus is excited to be joining the...
  8. chynablue

    Looking for Ezra Stone & Nick from Redemption

    I met a lot of awesome people at the show - especially at the pre-party! (Thanks for all the cool words about the DC Cooper set!) With all the activity at the show (and me spending a good chunk of it at the CD Inzane booth promoting the Vox Tempus CD), I didn't get to finish chatting with...
  9. chynablue

    Anyone going to Prog Power this year?

    Anyone going to Prog Power? I am looking for a room mate...?
  10. chynablue

    NAMM weekend

    I had some fun this weekend at the NAMM show with Doug, Ed, Bill, and some mutual friends. We spent time checking out new products, seeing "the sites", and accosting Mike Portnoy about Headway! Thanks to the guys for making the weekend that much more fun. I've posted a few snapshots at...
  11. chynablue

    TONS of New Pictures!

    Hey folks, I got a picture CD in the mail from Keith yesterday, and spent all day resizing his images and posting them on the web. Well, 135 pictures and 23 megabytes (resized) later, you can view them are all at Big thanks to Keith for following...
  12. chynablue

    More pictures from Last Weekend

    Keith sent me some new pictures from last weekend, which I've added to the others at Looking at these, I still wish the weekend didn't have to end! Anyone else have some pictures to share? Eric