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  1. Sopel

    Mp3 of band Melancholy

    Melancholy (emotional rock/metal) ("Where Do We Go?") check it if you want
  2. Sopel


    check this out (a sort of emotional rock/metal) :
  3. Sopel

    616 and not 666

    Revelation! 666 is not the number of the beast (it's a devilish 616) By Tom Anderson 01 May 2005 A newly discovered fragment of the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament indicates that, as far as the Antichrist goes, theologians, scholars, heavy metal groups, and...
  4. Sopel

    Alternative 3 book

    hi, i know a book of Leslie Watkins' "Alternative 3" is hardly accessible (at least in poland it's impossible to get this book), so i've uploaded it to or or...
  5. Sopel

    Jeff Bickley - what do you recommend?

    which album of jeff buckley you reccomend the most, at least for the beginning? i've heard only a few samples from him and i do like "last goodbye" song. thanx in advance.
  6. Sopel

    do you know computer program like guitar pro?

    do you know more popular programs / formats like guitar pro? or any popular program to collect tabs? in advance thanks for answer.
  7. Sopel

    Get Firefox! NOW!!!

    1.0 released, throw out buggy IE. instal firefox, only 4.7mb.
  8. Sopel

    REEDITIONS(seren,enigma,eternity,a4).when it was?

    could anyone tell me when reeditons of Serenades and The Silent Enigma and Eternity and Alternative 4 were released? i mean year. if anyone can check it on his/her cds i'll be grateful. thanks in advance!
  9. Sopel CUP

    it's time for arrange our Antimatter Forum Hattrick Cup. im still playing in polish cup, but i'll lose next wednesday for 99%. anyone interested in joining in, send me pm (on hattrick). it will be probably one group, and 1st and 2nd one will play in final.
  10. Sopel

    planetary confinement - news

    ANTIMATTER are in the studio to record their new album called "Planetary Confinement". The album is more organic than the previous two. Its more acoustic and piano based, and features live strings and percussion. Duncan Patterson: „After doing so many acoustic gigs we got used to playing...
  11. Sopel

    monkeys tale
  12. Sopel

    Brno, September
  13. Sopel

    18.09 Danny - Vrutky, Slovakia

    dannys solo acoustic gig in RC (rockclub) Mlyn - saturday 18.9.2004 Vrutky entrancee fee 250 SKK ( no more than 25 Zloty) in presale, or 300 ZL (probably 28-30 Zl) , ticket trought ANYONE COMING THERE?
  14. Sopel

    anathema cover

    download (1mb, just 1 minute) and tell me what you think about it. thanks in advance! it was made with one real guitar and guitar pro.
  15. Sopel


    im testing some things and need your help. could you enter here . nothing more. it's not trojan, virus and anything of that sort. thanks in advance!
  16. Sopel

    Katowice 10th June 2004 (live review)

    review from my mate ( I knew it should have been a good show. Despite of many doubts - whether being in Poland for about eight times, recording in our country two DVDs, they had been playing as in their best years, I was convicted, that Anathema will give us all the best what...
  17. Sopel

    anathema in iraq

    right link :
  18. Sopel

    hello! polish site has a new address (much simpler, isn't it?). please update your links...
  19. Sopel

    "lights out" review in polish mega-sin

    MEGA-SIN #2/2004 the most sinful metal magazine On the surface "Lights Out" is a full conrast to "Saviour", mainly stressed by changing colours from white to black, but a core of Antimatter music hasn't changed so drastically. It's still calm, often acoustic playing full of sad atmosphere...
  20. Sopel

    anathema gallery : new link - new pics

    check here : enjoy it!!!