Search results

  1. Perdition's Light

    Recommendations for a Skinny Puppy fan?

    Hey all, I was just wondering if there's any shit out there that even comes close to touching the classic work of this band (.i.e ANYTHING and EVERYTHING from the 80's and 90's, even The Process!)? I have some mild experience listening to bands like Frontline Assembly and Front 242, but compared...
  2. Perdition's Light

    Industrial/Electronic Metal

    What bands come to mind when you think of this 'genre'. It's certainly a very hit-or-miss style but I think there is a lot of potential for good music and it is still relatively unexplored territory when compared with the main (and more important overall) subgenres. The ones that come to mind...
  3. Perdition's Light

    Doom that's drugged out sounding

    I want stuff that's either directly influenced by marijuana, LSD, psilocybin, etc. or at least sounds like like it would be good to listen to while high. Although I don't get high anymore, I like bands with that sounds (heavy bass, semi-psychadelic elements/interludes, etc). Good examples are...
  4. Perdition's Light

    Good hardcore/grindcore

    Stuff like Burnt By The Sun, Pig Destroyer, Converge, Botch, Breach, Discordance Axis, Terrorizer etc. Stuff that has that definite punk/hardcore feel to it. I'm starting to really dig this music, as long as it's "scene"-free in it's sound. Recommend me some more bands that play some bad ass...
  5. Perdition's Light

    blissful/peaceful/subdued metal

    I'm looking for stuff like Alcest's Le Secret EP, the band Nadja, or Jesu. Something that incorporates shoegaze, drone, or gothic (not cheesy) elements into the music and isn't overtly hostile. Extreme vocals are alright, hell, occasional blastbeats are alright, I'm just looking for something...
  6. Perdition's Light

    Bands with a great sense of atmosphere

    I'm for bands with a magical or enchanting style, not something that is simply brutal or evil-sounding. Something sorrowful or ethereal but not over the top top in a gothic sense. examples: The Chasm Aeternus Drudkh early Rotting Christ/Varathron Negura Bunget none of those bands have much...
  7. Perdition's Light

    New Smashing Pumpkins album

    Hey everyone, I'm here to report that SP (of which only Billy and Jimmy are known current members) are working on a new album right now, but no release date has yet been announced. Growing up, this was one of my favorite bands, so even though I got kicked out of my house today, this made my day!
  8. Perdition's Light

    Question about an audio clip used by Behemoth and Fields of the Nephilim

    This is a track that sounds like a preacher (maybe the pope?) speaking. It sounds something like "...the annointing of the purging tears....sanctifying solitude". I have absolutely no idea what he's actually saying or if it's in Latin even. It's used in the opening of Behemoth's 'Zos Kia...
  9. Perdition's Light

    Dark Ambient/Industrial recommendations

    These are genres I want to delve into further but don't really know where to begin? What are some of your favorites? No EBM or synthpop please! Thanks.
  10. Perdition's Light

    Does anyone listen to these bands/everyone should listen to these bands.

    I couldn't decide which was the more appropriate thread title. Oh, and in case you're wondering, NONE of the bands are emo. So don't even mention it. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds The Mountain Goats Air Animal Collective Brian Eno Broken Social Scene Gang of Four Interpol Joy Division...
  11. Perdition's Light

    Good sites for crust/hardcore/grindcore reviews/band information?

    Maybe something similar to Metal Archives only hardcore punk-related? Yes, I tried fucking google but it mostly links me to online distros or some page that reviews sum 41 and green day and that shit. thanks in advance for all the insignificant bullshit that is about to be posted by people...
  12. Perdition's Light

    What bands do YOU consider the First Wave of Black Metal?

    First I want to make clear that I'm aware that lots of stuff was getting called black metal back in the day that we wouldn't really consider black metal by today's standards. When referring to the so-called "first wave" (obviously a posthumous and vague term), I'm referring specifically to bands...
  13. Perdition's Light

    What would you suggest for someone new to (good) metal?

    Hey, I've got a friend (it's not me, you fucks) that I found out likes Opeth but he doesn't know much about the genre as a whole. I asked him if he'd like to hear more of it and he was very interested. Now he's a smart kid, so I know he can appreciate some good music, but at the same time I...
  14. Perdition's Light

    Vreid - Kraft

    This is the band that arose from Windir's ashes. I liked Windir but honestly they were not a band I listened to frequently. I downloaded (yep) this album containing the remaining members of Windir along with a new guitarist. This is really good music, and it doesn't really fall into any specific...
  15. Perdition's Light

    Music like Isis, Neurosis, Pelican, Jesu

    I really enjoy these four bands and I was wondering if there any more bands like this that are both heavy and ambient...vocals not necessary.
  16. Perdition's Light

    Morgion is no more.

    I'm pretty sure this hasn't been posted yet, but Morgion has decided to call it quits. Just thought I'd let some people know. I think they're a really good band but they just couldn't hold my attention (I do like other doom though).
  17. Perdition's Light

    For those who have Today Is The Day's In The Eyes of God

    I downloaded it using BitTorrent and when I play the album, it makes these crazy shifts in the middle of songs that don't seem like they belong, like something is wrong with the file. Then the song will go right back to sounding the way it did. I was wondering if this was possibly a bad rip or...
  18. Perdition's Light

    Recommend me some dark ambient

    I know this isn't metal but please let this stay here long enough for me to get one or two responses as it seems almost no one goes in the non metal forum. Personally I don't understand why this forum is called General Music Discussion if we're only allowed to talk about metal in here. Shouldn't...
  19. Perdition's Light


    I just got Shining's "Within Deep Dark Chambers", and it's a pretty good album. I get the feeling they could/have released something great. The repetition used is very hypnotic and the tone is very depressing yet cathartic. I can't believe Hellhammer can play in such incredibly poor bands and...
  20. Perdition's Light

    What is that filesharing program a lot of you use called?

    It's not soulseek or uses "hubs" (?) I'm not proficient with computers at all so I had some questions about it... 1. Are you at risk of getting viruses or being hacked like you are on SLSK and Kazaa, etc? I share the same wireless network as my parents (not the same computer...