Search results

  1. Draehl

    Metal Pros/Pet Peeves?

    What are 3 attributes, practices, techniques etc. you like and dislike in metal? Can be specific to a genre, more broad, whatever. Likes An atmospheric/hypnotic/almost mystical quality. Sustained notes, non-metal influenced melodies (Folk, Drone, Space Rock, Ambient), and unique instruments-...
  2. Draehl

    Family Guy Yourself

    Thought this was a fun waste of time.
  3. Draehl

    (Feedback) Creating A Music Subreddit

    As my interests have broadened over time beyond metal they've also narrowed specifically towards long-form music with very psychedelic/atmospheric/ritualistic qualities. I've yet to find an all-encompassing resource for this type of sound as everywhere you look it seems distilled down to the...
  4. Draehl

    Anyone else gotten ancestry tests?

    I just got my 23andme results and it's cool to see all the info. I opted not to view Alzheimer's and a couple of other conditions that can somehow affect your ability to get life insurance if you view them? Of note: I have the 'elite warrior' gene. Maybe why I can live like a slob and stay...
  5. Draehl

    Top Albums of the Past Decade? (2007- 2016)

    A decent idea to do something more far reaching before we reach year's end and everyone is doing year specific lists? Let's not treat this as a poll, but more just for spotting shit that might have flown under the radar. We don't need a mini-review, but maybe a brief descriptor of the album's...
  6. Draehl

    Top 5 Favorite Genres Thread

    After discussion in the previous thread I decided against having a specific pick list of genres. It risked not covering certain niches and admittedly was getting too "autistic" the further it went (credit to Ozzman) Apologies for the wasted time to Baroque and the other folks who participated...
  7. Draehl

    Future Subgenre Poll?

    Would you folks have any interest in doing a favorite sub-genres poll/list? At first I thought about doing a generic ranking of the overarching genres (death, prog, thrash, etc.) and while it would make for easier organization and provide maybe more distinctly interpret-able data... I thought...
  8. Draehl

    Songs with heavy horn usage?

    I'd imagine likely to be folk/black/trad/power, but hit me with anything ya got!
  9. Draehl

    (Sam Dunn) Fun Genre Segment "Lock Horns"

    There are multiple episodes, but its a new weekly segment where they go back and critique sub-genres of the original "metal family tree" that he made a good number of errors on in the original Metal: A Headbanger's Journey. Here are my two favorites so far. (Yes, Candlemass is Doom)
  10. Draehl


    Ambient, Drone, Noise, etc... These long-winded mixtures-with and cousins-to metal deserve their own thread being different enough and appealing to us in more unique situations and mindsets. This is definitely an experiment as it does include some overlap with other genres, but it may help focus...
  11. Draehl

    Embed Bandcamp?

    Hi Deron, I was wondering if this is possible? It definitely doesn't allow it in the media section, not just copy/pasting the url into your message. I even tried using a [bandcamp] tag I was reading about on another forum and fiddling with the HTML embed code bit with no success. Thanks!
  12. Draehl

    Top 10 Modern Classics

    (Totally ripping off the thread idea from Metal Archives) Which 10 albums from 2000 onward would you consider "modern classics"? Be it influential to an entire style or just a perfectly executed refinement of an existing formula. Write a paragraph or just drop in a list, but it needs to be...
  13. Draehl

    Draele to Draehl

    Hi Deron, I'm not sure if I've had a name change or not (if so it's been forever in which case ignore this post) but I'd like the name changed to Draehl. Thanks!
  14. Draehl

    What Musical "Idea" Is Your Favorite?

    (My knowledge of theory is admittedly limited, so please feel free to be more elaborate in your replies if you're so inclined) That said, within metal what is your favorite musical idea, trait, or pattern? A certain tuning? Breakdowns? Blastbeats? A particular type of soloing? Etc. I'd have to...
  15. Draehl

    Folk Styled Metal, Without Metal.

    So I'm looking for some pure folk style music without the metal instrumentation, but WITH the serious/heavy/dark/occult feel of metal. IE folk made by metal artists or that which closely matches the style. Some examples: Wardruna Karl Sander's solo material. A lot of the intro/interlude bits...
  16. Draehl

    Ladies of UM: Critique My OKC Profile

    Mostly aimed at the ladies around. Dudes comment too if its relevant. Post yours if you want feedback. Move to Males & Females if need be. Thanks!
  17. Draehl

    A Chill Is Coming!

    The heat isn't gone, but this morning I awoke this morning to a slight chill. Who else is stoked for the weather cooling off? What's not to like? That first cold breeze in October that gives you a slight chill, sitting by the fireplace, coats, the warming sensation of drinking way more coffee...
  18. Draehl

    What Kind of Metalhead Are You? (Link) I'd have to say I fall into the Power category despite not really liking power metal, identifying with the Folk/Viking though. In any case, a fun read.
  19. Draehl

    Listening Habits: Discovery vs. Celebration

    Okay, fancy title to ask what's your balance of discovering new music versus enjoying shit you already know you like? I can say I get on kicks that last a few weeks, where I hardly listen to anything I've ever heard before. All completely new shit- be it listening to a whole album on youtube...
  20. Draehl

    Metal Social Media of Choice

    Obviously we have this fine forum, but aside from this what do you prefer to use for metal related stuff? I've seen quite a few quality metal blogs, but have seen an increase of content on more bite sized platforms suchs as Reddit or Tumblr. What are your preferences and which blogs/tumblrs/etc...