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  1. Anvil


    :wave: It's been a long time since I've been around other than the random lurk or post... What has everyone been up to the last couple years? I'd love hear some life updates from the ol' regs! :D
  2. Anvil

    Happy Birthday E-bortion

    Acie. Birthday. Yesssss...
  3. Anvil


  4. Anvil

    Post your 2010 Christmas Haul

    I haven't opened presents, but I figured this would be a good start!
  5. Anvil

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas all.
  6. Anvil

    Hey all...

    I miss some of you fuckers... How's life? Seriously...
  7. Anvil

    NHL 11

    Anyone playing this on the Xbox? Wanna start up a EA league team?
  8. Anvil

    ITT: Ninja Names

    Ty Lindal -- Chifu Takitotekata
  9. Anvil

    Fantasy Hockey

    Since Kevin's doing up the Fantasy Football League, I figured I'd see if anyone would be interested in doing a Fantasy Hockey league this year. I know there are a bunch of Hockey fans here, so I say we should. Post, we'll see if we can get enough people interested.
  10. Anvil

    Happy Canada Day

    To all those who appreciate Canada, one of the most beautiful lands in the world. Happy Canada Day.
  11. Anvil

    Happy Birthday Steve (Cat5Messiah)

  12. Anvil

    8,000 posts!

    Although I may not have as little of a life as some of you penis huggers, I now have succeeded in proving I still have less of a life than a majority of people. Now for something awesome: Go on with your business.
  13. Anvil

    Merry Christmas 2009!

    Merry Christmas, Neverboard. POST YOUR HAULS HERE!
  14. Anvil


  15. Anvil

    NHL Season 2009-2010

    Lots of big moves this year all over the place, some underdogs of the last few years are going to be right up there with the big boys. Vancouver looks like a strong contender going into the season, as well as Chicago, Edmonton, Toronto and Philadelphia. Anyone up for some prediction time?
  16. Anvil


    To all us Canadians out there, it's our day. Happy Canada Day. :kickass:
  17. Anvil

    Jesus Pwn3d U

  18. Anvil

    The Board...

    'Tis quiet 'round these parts tonight... All the regulars are in SF, or people are watching the fight, I guess.
  19. Anvil

    2008-2009 Stanley Cup Playoffs

    :rock: :kickass:
  20. Anvil

    Hey Krig

    The Canucks are up against the Blues. Canucks <3 And, I just got tickets to the first game of the series here in Vancouver from one of my beer reps! :D