Search results

  1. F

    Bootleg of Buckley's cover?

    Hey guys, long time! :) So, how's everyone doing? Anyway, I was actually thinking that you'll know if there's bootlegs of some Jeff Buckley songs Anathema have covered live. I certainly remember that Danny and Vinnie had played one of his songs (don't remember which one, though) in their...
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    Recording stuff, please help

    Hello, I'm buying a new pc in a few days, so i'd like you to help me out with the following issue. I actually care much about recording electric and acoustic guitars and most important, vocals. I will buy an interface/soundcard, most probably Digidesign's mbox, and one or two relatively good...
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    Help with s.card/recording interface. Digidesign Mbox? Omega Lexicon? Any other? :-)

    Hey guys, finally i'm buying a new desktop pc (1Gb ram at last! :-)) and I want to get a good card/interface for recordings etc. I would preferably like to spend up to 500 euros. I checked out some stuff and came up with Digidesign Mbox and Lexicon Omega recording studio. Does anyone here know...
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    Kate Bush??? Recommended albums?

    Hey guys, long time ;) Anyone around who likes Kate Bush? I'd like to buy one or two albums (low ebay prices make me feel real good ;)) but I know nothing about her discography... :( So, any recommendations??? Cheers, Menelaos
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    Interview with Danny is online @! :-)

    Hey guys! ;) How're you all doing? The interview we did with Danny is now online: please check it out and let me know what you think - although it was not me who interviewed Danny! :) Cheers, Menelaos
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    One Interview and Two Live Reports from OPETH in Greece @!!

    Hey guys, This is Menelaos from! We've recently had a great interview with Mikael featured on our magazine's pages, plus two live reports from OPETH's recent gig in Greece. Check them out and please let me know what you think - either here or (preferably) on our magazine's...
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    ANATHEMA Live Report from Athens @

    Hey guys! How're you doing all? I've not been posting lately cause my university schedule and stuff has fucked me up a bit. Too many classes etc. Anyway, here's a link to the Live Report from Sunday's gig in Greece. More to follow: a report from Saturday + an interview with the band! Stay...
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    Borring university stuff....

    Hmmm, I have to study but it's so fuckin' borring.... :erk: :ill: :yell:
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    Whoah, yeah, I've just come home from an interview with THE guitarist of the 20th century Uli ROTH!!!!!! :worship: :grin: :hotjump::grin: :worship: This is a day I've been looking forward to for a long time!!! I've got a signed "Fly To The Rainbow" CD - what more would I ever want?!?!?!?
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    Small vocal question

    Hello, I've been taking vocal lessons for over a year now and can go up to a high C or sth. However, I have the very bad feeling that I only use chest voice to do this and it obviously hurts my chords. The question is: is it possible to go up there in chest voice? Cause if it's not then I'm...
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    Hey do you guys like Rory Gallagher? It was not until this last year that I really 'found out' about him, and I really love his works! :rock: He was probably the best rocker of his time, it's so unfortunate he died so early... Whatever, he gave us a lot of great albums before that :worship: So...
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    Where can I get those DREDG CDs??????

    FFS, you people got me to like Dredg and now I'm trying to find their albums and they've disappeared!!:yell: :hotjump: :yell: :waah::waah::waah: What can I do????:waah::waah: I want them :waah: Please........... Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...........................:waah::waah: Can I buy...
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    Live Report for the Greek acoustic gig at

    Here's the live report for Saturday's gig: Take a look and let me know ;)
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    Places you'd like to visit

    FFS, I've never been out of Greece, and I want to see so many countries! So, I just thought I'd like to know which countries you'd like to see as well :) So, here's my list...: Mexico, Brazil, Peru... ...and every other place where I can find Aztec/Maya or Inca temples, or other buildings. I...
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    Favorite Beatles Album poll

    What's your favorite Beatles album? (hope I'm not forgetting any...)
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    Favorite Monty Python??

    Hey, what's you favorite Monty Python movie/scene/quote/whatever? Vote for the movie and say what your favorite part is! :) Note: ffs, I've tried to post this thread more than 3 times and it just won't work with the fuckin' poll!!!! I HATE IT! :(:ill:
  17. F

    That guy who won the Eurovision...

    ...didn't he perform like Freddie Mercury? I mean, what the fuck, the way he got up from the piano and grabbed the microphone and moreover the way he moved and generally *everything* reminded me VERY much of Freddie! :) Agree?
  18. F

    Brazilian Pop Music

    Anyone interested in this musicstyle? You know, Caetano Veloso, Gal Costa etc etc etc. Any Brazilian guys here? I need some help, some recommendations (artists you like, albums you recommend plus a list of a few good songs to begin with :)) Any help - i'll be sooooo grateful! ;)
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    Beatles or Stones?

    Simple question: Beatles or Stones? I go for THE BEATLES! :(
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    Do you like The Beatles??

    Do you guys actually like the Beatles? I mean, IMO they're definitely one of the best bands to ever appear on the planet, one my favorite three bands. So, do you like them? And which of their songs do you like the most???