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  1. Maelstrom

    My first Hot Licks Video

    In our ongoing frustration to find a bass player who is competent I've now performed on my first bass instructional video. It's the bass guitar guide to the Fury parts. I got sick of travelling for two hours every week to try and teach parts to people who didn't turn out, now I can just post a...
  2. Maelstrom

    Still together

    The first big question I'd like to answer is that yes, FURY is still together and alive. We're in the midst of finishing off the album that we started over a year ago. A lot has happened in this time. Firstly, we got a replacement after Derek left the band. This replacement is Ricardo...
  3. Maelstrom

    Where have we been?

    Well that's a long and complicated story. Stay tuned for the saga as it will unfold...
  4. Maelstrom

    THis sucks

    The Crown have broken up. I think I'm going to cry...:(
  5. Maelstrom


    Wow, I'm just watching a Jason Becker video collection and it's the most inspiring thing I think I've ever seen. Just too good, way too good. I'd never gotten into shredding at all until just the last month or two. I'd never bothered with Satch, Vai, or any of them. I think this will all change...
  6. Maelstrom

    I'm such a chicken shit

    God I hate myself. I just had the perfect opportunity to ask out the check-out chick that I'm infatuated with and I wimped out. If anyone needs me I'll be trying to grow some vertebrae.
  7. Maelstrom

    New Super Hero

    In the recent heat wave we came up with the concept of a new super hero. He's called STATING-THE-OBVIOUS-MAN!!! With such classic quotes as "Christ it's Hot", and "Geez it's coming down" he's ready to battle originality wherever it may rear it's ugly head!! I hate people. :)
  8. Maelstrom

    I'm suffering from Jet rage

    If I hear that fucking Jet song one more time I'm going to fucking scream. I can't understand what all the fuss is about this band. They're basically AC/DC minus talent.
  9. Maelstrom

    How much Australian Idol Shits me...

    I fucking hate this show and everyone associated with it, the ones who are voted off should be promplty executed and the winner forced to have a four way orgy with the judges as punishment. All the chicks have been voted off and they were the only ones that had the excuse to sound like women...
  10. Maelstrom

    Triple J

    Now, I'm not sure how many of you listen to this radio station but I've got a couple of gripes. They were bitching about the Aria awards and the lack of real instruments that were used within the acts that won Arias. Yet, they then go and play about 95% hip-hop shit for the majority of the...
  11. Maelstrom

    Stevo the monster drummer!

    Well, as I'm going to write in the news page a little later on, our good mate Stevo from Dungeon just visited Adelaide and helped us out in the drumming department on our latest cd! Needless to say his drum tracks turned out fantastic - hats off - really doing these songs some thrash metal...
  12. Maelstrom

    Stevo the monster drummer!

    Well, as I'm going to write in the news page a little later on, our good mate Stevo from Dungeon just visited Adelaide and helped us out in the drumming department on our latest cd! It's a promo ep which will contain a collection of covers, all of them songs that got us into metal and helped...
  13. Maelstrom

    Ctrl Z: My life motto

    A friend of mine brought up the point and I realised that I'm also guilty of it. I tend to live my life as though I can press ctrl-z and undo my last action. If only... This may explain my ability to offend practically everyone I encounter, or could it just be that I'm a bit of an asshole?? :)
  14. Maelstrom

    Nunslaughter Tour

    Wow, I went to Armageddon Adelaide the other weekend and was absolutely blown away! Nunslaughter were headlining and they were awesome. A huge thanks those guys for visiting our quiant little city before heading home to the US. Did anyone else manage to catch them on their tour?
  15. Maelstrom

    Street Press in Perth

    Does anyone know the contact details for the Perth street press?
  16. Maelstrom

    Definitions of Success

    What's your definition of success? I was watching a video that had interviews of movie stars and each of them defined success in a different way. The one I came up with is if I wake up in a hotel room surrounded by cocaine with a couple of dead hookers in my bed, and I know that no questions...
  17. Maelstrom

    New Metallica

    Man this album sucks ass. James' voice sounds like he's developed a taste for unwashed cock. The whole thing sounds like they heard System of a Down and Meshuggah play and decided that they were going to try and be cool with the kids like those bands are. If you own Kill 'em All or any early...
  18. Maelstrom

    Do we mistake lack of talent for genius?

    I think that we sometimes fall into the trap of giving bands to much credit. I know when I was studying English, the way we interpreted poetry made it seem as though we we're giving a lot of the writers credit for ideas that they may not have intended. Do we do this to bands? I think that...
  19. Maelstrom

    Favourite Sabbath non ozzy era song

    We all know the classics that ozzy sang with the sabs, but what about songs with the other vocalists? Any favourites? Mine would have to be "I".
  20. Maelstrom

    And another thing!

    Continuing with the slightly metaphysical aspect of the day. If you were an animal what sort would you be, and why?