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  1. D

    5150 + Hot Plate + Engl impulses

    How's this for a recording done in the middle of the night that didn't wake up my roommates? Just a quick set of riffs that was easy to play, since I'm not very good.
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    Gearbox Plugin and Pro Tools 6.x

    Is anyone here using Gearbox RTAS with PT LE 6, or is it 7.x only? I'm curious as to whether or not they're compatible, because I really want the FX from my PodXT available during the mix and for things other than guitars, and with Line6 blowing out the Gold bundle for $99, this is a must-buy...
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    Tubes (or how not to fry yourself or your amp)

    Is it safe for me and my 5150 if I pull and swap preamp tubes (or power tubes for that matter) with my amp on standby? I'm messing around with a bunch of pre tubes to try and find my favorite combination, and it would save a lot of time not having to wait for the capacitors to drain when I turn...
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    Guitar splitter question...

    What will affect my sound the least, buffered or passive? If passive, just a straight split, or transformer isolated? Ground loops are likely to occur in my setup, and I'm using EMG pickups with 10k electronics.
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    Peavey tube matching...

    Does anyone know if Peavey matches quads in their stock tubes for amps, or if they just use two sets of matched pairs? I swapped out some power tubes in my 5150 as a matter of tonal preference, and the tubes I put in are starting to run out of gas, but I forgot to keep track of how the original...
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    Hot Plate question

    Does anyone know if the line out on the THD Hot Plate is isolated? I'm really close to pulling the trigger on one of those, but right now, the preamp out on my 5150 gets pretty nasty buzz and hum when I go straight to my Mbox, and I'd rather not have to spend a bunch more money and effort...
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    Engl preamps...

    Does anyone know if any Engl tube preamps (current or past) sound similar to the Savage 120? I love that upper-midrangey grind and gritty presence they have, but I have neither room nor money for a Savage, and besides, cranking it up would cause problems with my roommates in a big hurry. :p
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    Trent's back on his game

    Goddamn, what a fantastic album this is. Go to and click the link at the top to listen to the whole thing in decent quality for a stream. I love this record.
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    My amp is sick!

    Well, my poor 5150 seems to be having a problem. It works fine for a while, but all of a sudden, without warning, it stops its normal operation and starts making this deafening hum (sounds like a ground loop cranked to 11 or something). I immediately turn off the amp, wait a little while, and...
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    This song could use just a little more cowbell.

    So I'm checking out the new Killswitch album, and the cowbell is featured pretty prominently at the end of "Unbroken". I don't know for sure, but I bet it's Adam playing it. :Spin:
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    For those of you who use the Digitech Whammy...

    Which version or generation of the pedal do you use? Are there serious differences between transparency or tracking speed and accuracy between the generations? If you could have a different version, which would you get, or would you keep what you have? I'm looking into buying one to use for...
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    Mind Tricks

    Of course, I'm referring to the new Disarmonia Mundi album. Anyone hear it yet? A bit less technical and more accessible than Fragments of D-Generation... most of it, anyway. There are a couple of all-out thrashers. Pretty damn good songs nonetheless, though, and it's been getting heavy...
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    I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT (5150 combo + v30 clip)

    Man, I don't know what took me so long. I found a Vintage 30 on eBay that someone pulled out of a Mesa cab, and I got a good price on it. Pop that thing in the ol' 5150 combo, throw a 57 in front, and man, I am REALLY happy with it now. I apologize for anything I've said in the past in...
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    Question about cab miking

    When you're close miking right on the grille, is there a significant difference in recorded tone between a closed 2x12 and a closed 4x12 (or even between 2 different-sized 4x12s) loaded with the same speaker? It's a noob question, I know, and I'd be inclined to think yes because of different...
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    EMG 81/5150 Combo clip

    Amp completely stock. I bought it used, but as far as I know, it contains the original tubes. Guitar is a Fender MIM Fat Strat w/EMG 81 at the bridge (and 2 SAs, but those aren't used here). Mic is a Shure SM57, on-axis at the exact center of the cone, just barely off the grille...
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    Hey Andy, awesome mix and master on Trivium's Ascendancy... I saw them several times last year when I was living in Orlando, and you definitely do them justice. :rock: Did you reamp the guitars or use the tracks from Audiohammer? If you did reamp, what did you use?
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    To James

    Hey man, I'm in Orlando... are you ready for Jeanne? :grin: Seriously, this year has been crazy for central Florida. It's been what, about 40 years since anything hit this area, and now we get 3 in less than 3 months?
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    Question for Andy

    I know you didn't record the album, but I figure you know the answer to my question anyway. So, what amps did Killswitch Engage use when they recorded The End of Heartache ? I know they like Framus amps, but I see that they also use Line6 products, and I'm curious which they used recording the...