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  1. A Stranger

    vid of my band covering Murder

    Hey. Iv put a clip up on youtube of my band playin live. The first part is one of our own songs and the second is part of our cover of Murder. Let me know what you think
  2. A Stranger

    any support band for 12th June Dublin?

    cant find any info on the internet anywhere. anyone know who the supprt band will be or if there even is one?
  3. A Stranger

    opeth 12 June Dublin! My Birthday!!!

    opeth are playing in dublin on my birthday! Excellence! Neone else goin 2 this? iv already booked my ticket.
  4. A Stranger

    Anathema supporting HIM?

    in dublin... oh dear... how could this go, so very wrong, that i must, listen to HIM, would anyone, else put up with this?
  5. A Stranger

    Daniel's bio pic on the official site

    anybody else notice this. hes really captured the "tortured artist lost in creative thoughts" look...
  6. A Stranger

    katatonia tatoo

    Got it a week ago. what do ye think?
  7. A Stranger

    A band i thought you guys might all like

    just a random unsigned band i found. they only have one song online at the moment but it is definatley worth checking out. their called silverspline. i took an instant likeing to them.
  8. A Stranger

    katatonia artwork? look at the front cover of this dvd "Begotten" and then look at the artwork for Sounds Of Decay... Explanation please? WTF?
  9. A Stranger

    New Intro pic

    I made a post ages ago about the pic of Anders and how I thought it was kinda cheesy but I have to say, cute girl wearing katatonia t-shirt = Good. :OMG: :rock:
  10. A Stranger


    Has anyone else here heard Jesu-heartache. I heard it like an hour ago in a friends house and MY GOD! I was blown away! If your a fan of Katatonia then you should definately look into this stuff.
  11. A Stranger

    New Intro Screen to site

    Ummm... I dunno. Please dont lynch me for saying this but... It kinda reminds me of The Darkness. Oh god.