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  1. S

    I need bands like Spiral Architect!!

    Something technical with soaring clean vocals... or just some tech metal with clean vocals!! The only bands that remotely hit it are Watchtower and SA... ocassionally random songs by Dream Theater or Symphony X, but I'm looking for something that is consistently technical as hell, like SA...
  2. S

    Am I gonna have a problem tonight?

    Goin' to the House of Blues Anaheim show tonight... and I'm 16, so I need a guardian. However, I don't have one. Are they very strict? I'm thinking I'll just try to get some random guy to say he's my cousin or something, people are pretty nice... no?
  3. S


    What are the different types of pickups and such? I know of single coils, humbuckers, and piezo, but I have no clue what piezos are... Just talk about what type you prefer, why, and I'd really appreciate it if someone had some visual representations of the differences, as well as a technical...
  4. S

    Which Nightingale should I get?

    My options are the ones available on The End. The only song I've hear by them is Shadowman, and the first instant I heard it, I wondered why I took so long to check them out... this song kicks my ass. Thus, I am considering Alive Again. I can't find any other MP3s so I'll take you guys' word...
  5. S

    Uh... is this a real Edge of Sanity song?

    A while ago my friend downloaded a song, and it was labeled as Edge of Sanity - Elegy. He sent it to me for some reason, and I went "Wait, this isn't Elegy... this is totally different." I know for a fact it's not hte Elegy that's on Purgatory Afterglow, because I own that album. The lyrics...
  6. S

    Ah, crap age requirements.

    I just realized tonight's show at the House of Blues in LA is 18+. I am not 18. This could raise problems. I don't really look 18 either. Hopefully they don't really care... :erk:
  7. S

    Out of incredible boredom, a really stupid poll.

    Who is a better song writer, Conor Oberst (from Bright Eyes, who you may or may not have heard) or Mike Akerfeldt (Who you should have heard if you are here!)? A lot of people are saying Conor is something of a new age Bob Dylan, but I think his song writing skills are very very basic. He can...
  8. S

    It'd be awesome if this happened on the PT tour...

    At the end, Opeth and PT came out and did an encore together, like Dream Theater and Queensryche are doing on their current tour. Then maybe we could hear Bleak as it's meant to be played!
  9. S

    Where can I find some Nile tabs?

    Damn, they are hard to find... I've found like, a total of 4. I'm especially interested in stuff from their new album, if anyone knows of a site...
  10. S

    Did Dan really produce Mellencollin albums?|PM&sql=R219861#APPEAR That's odd... I was unaware of that.
  11. S

    Did you know Martin Mendez had a solo album before Opeth?|AM&sql=Ag06ktr8lkl3x Man, that shit must rock.
  12. S

    Do people mosh to Opeth?

    Seems like it'd be possible.. but... odd... what do they do when the slow parts come on?
  13. S

    I wasn't expecting that...

    I just was at Symphony X's site, because I decided to see what the band looks like... well.... Michael Romeo looks NOTHING AT ALL like I thought he would. I mean... DAMN...
  14. S

    What's left for Opeth to do, musically?

    People complain that all their albums sound the same, and (though they don't...) I wonder, what exactly could Opeth do to make 'em not sound the same? They've explored every musical style from Death Metal to Punk to Country... all I can really think of that they haven't done is added hip-hop and...
  15. S

    Now, if Opeth do do an all acoustic tour for Damnation...

    They need to bring chairs and sit while playing. It'd just seem wrong for them to be standing up jamming to acoustic songs. They should bring chairs, make the lights really dim, and wear all black, so they look like they're pretentious artsy poet people. It'd be quite funny.
  16. S

    Anyone have a link to a Spanish article on Opeth?

    I figure I'll use it for a thing I have to do for Spanish class. Since the Martins are of Spanish decent I can do it ^_^
  17. S

    Darth Vader on the Blackwater Park CD case?

    Look at the back of your Blackwater Park case... doesn't the tree thing on the left look like Darth Vader? :spin:
  18. S

    Albums you get addicted to for no apparent reason?

    It's weird... I'll think an album isn't all that great, but I'll HAVE to keep listening to it. Right now it's happening with Morbid Angel - Covenant... I mean, it's good, but I definitely have better albums. But I can't stop listening! Argh. A while ago it happened with Iced Earth - Burnt...
  19. S

    Opeth vs. Dream Theater, battle of the completely different prog bands!

    Yeah, I know they're completely different bands, but they're both so good... I have a really hard time deciding which one I like better. Opeth is much more emotional, and I think Mike freaking owns LaBrie as a vocalist, but DT is just great to listen to....
  20. S

    One thing I really respect about Mike...

    He's never felt the need to put cussing in his lyrics (At least to my knowledge..) It gives the band an air of respectablity, rather than all these bands that cuss for pure shock value...