Search results

  1. Schizoid Man

    Best Band Playing Madfest

    So who do you think put on the best show at this year's Madfest? Friday night - Outworld Saturday night - Dark Empire Overall - Dark Empire
  2. Schizoid Man

    Marriage Proposals At Concerts

    Fans proposing marriage on stage at shows seems to be catching on. I also proposed to my wife at a Flower Kings show in Denver last March. I met her on the band's Yahoo Group. Evergrey has had a previous marriage proposal, as seen on YouTube (key in Evergrey in the search window). I've even seen...
  3. Schizoid Man

    Swedish Musicians & Government Dole

    I was talking to a guitarist who graduated from Berklee College Of Music and we were discussing how all these metal bands from Sweden make any money. Those of you who know may correct me, but this guy told me that those bands receive a government styffen (which I guess is goverment assistance)...
  4. Schizoid Man

    The Pre-Show...How Was It?

    Enough of Friday and Saturday, how was the Pre-Show and who ruled? I understand D.C. Cooper rocked.
  5. Schizoid Man

    Stride / Joel G.

    So how was Stride? Joel is the guitarist to lookout for in these days of "how-many-notes-can-I-play-real-fast." His playing has the soul and color of Neil Schon and the virtuosity of Stefan Forte.
  6. Schizoid Man

    Things You Don't Want To Hear At PPVI

    Frontman of a power metal band on stage and he introduces the next song by saying, "let's kick it old school!"
  7. Schizoid Man

    Dargormudshark Sings R.E.M. & Genesis

    As a concerned parent, it is my duty to embarrass Dargormudshark as much as humanly possible. Since he has no shame and is imposible to humiliate by showing naked baby pictures of him to Badgirl Tess, I offer this mpeg of Dargormudshark at his 4th. birthday party in 1993. It's 1.7 megs, so...