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  1. DoAsISayNotAsIDo

    Favourite PC Games

    List your favs, mines are: StarCraft Heroes Of Might And Magic 3-4 Might And Magic 6-7-8 Fallout 1-2 Fallout Tactics...
  2. DoAsISayNotAsIDo

    HEELP!!! I'm gonna kill my neighbour!

    It is 8.10 Am and my damn neigbour is listening Ricky Martin loudly! What should i do?
  3. DoAsISayNotAsIDo

    Best Borknagar Cover...

    I think Quintessence is best The Olden Domain is good too...
  4. DoAsISayNotAsIDo


    Guys I'm listening to the Mezarkabul's Unspoken in these days and they're great.Is there anybody listen them too.
  5. DoAsISayNotAsIDo

    Best Metal Bands

    Write your favourite bands... Mines are: Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, In Flames, Children Of Bodom, Nevermore, Opeth, Immortal and Pentagram