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  1. Jurched

    Barak Hussein Obama, Imam Mahdi al' Meriq-i-stan

    Fools! You are all fools! Deceived by the emissary of the devil himself, that long-legged mack daddy islamic homosexual son of Satan, Barack Hussein Obama, the Imam Mahdi al' Meriq-i-stan! And how do I know this, apart from being smart? Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic...
  2. Jurched

    Fuck the Sun! It ain't got SHIT on CO2

    Here's one of those Algoreist fable-weavers who exhibits the most obvious commonsense fact, but continues to knit a fabric of complete bullshit to cover our eyes. Its amazing! Sun Oddly Quiet -- Hints at Next "Little Ice Age"? Anne Minard for National Geographic News A prolonged lull in...
  3. Jurched

    100 Days of Barack Hussein is like a thousand

    The New York Post has made a hitlist of a blunder a day for our beloved leader: 1. "Obama criticized pork barrel spending in the form of 'earmarks,' urging changes in the way that Congress adopts the spending proposals. Then he signed a spending bill that contains nearly 9,000 of them, some...
  4. Jurched

    Just to let you know: We live in a homotheocracy

    So Miss California expresses her personal opinion in response to a pointless political question that has only ONE right answer, and for that, she gets skinned alive by the raging inquisitors of the American homotheocracy! "We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite...
  5. Jurched

    Anyone Been Fucked by the Long Dick of the Law?* (*from Superbad)

    I"m confused as to how our so-called "justice system" works. So maybe some of you hooligans have been Fucked by The Long Dick of The Law* and understand it better. (*That's from Superbad, its not mine.) So, a friend of mine was arrested just about a year ago after he took out a dozen credit...
  6. Jurched

    Now there's a damned hole in my fish! What the helllll?!

    Now there's a hole in my fish! What the hell?! Its not some piece of shit I bought for dinner but a pink kissing fish in my tank. Three years old, half a foot long, pretty nice. Except for a half inch hole in its side! I can peer inside the fish. The way it looks, its like something was...
  7. Jurched

    Who'll turn Soviet faster? EU or US?

    Czech President Vaclav Klaus is like a fuckin hero to me. First he calls Global Warming the biggest scam in history, and now he compares the EU to the Soviet Union! And he's the EU president! BRUSSELS – The European Union has turned into an undemocratic and elitist project comparable to...
  8. Jurched

    That's the last time I buy mythological fish for dinner

    Here's yet another whacked day in my action-packed life: So I was at supermarket the other day, looking at fish for dinner. They had a sign saying, “unadvertised special” on Monk Fish, which captured my attention. Now, I had only heard of the Monk Fish as one of those...
  9. Jurched

    They Know How To Teach In Shy-Town!

    Even though I hated school, hated teachers, and still do, every time I exchange words with someone younger than me, I get the impression I'm attempting to communicate with a fucking rotted vegetable. They are so fuckin stupid. I blame parents, and teachers, and especially the Dept of Ed. They're...
  10. Jurched

    Invest a million in the USA, get a bill for $25

    Treasury securities traded with negative rates for the first time toady. That sucks. If you invested $1 million in three-month bills at today’s negative discount rate of 0.01 percent, for a price of 100.002556, at maturity you would receive the par value for a loss of $25.56. Great...
  11. Jurched

    Obama's Game Plan: Total Victory or Scorched Earth?

    Here's a 1,000 word article I wrote a few weeks ago when I couldn't sleep owing to a lung infection and fear of Obama's ravenous supporters. It may have some significance for the next few days. Obama's Game Plan: Total Victory or Scorched Earth? Will Obama's Victory Spare America From Kenya's...
  12. Jurched

    Living with History, dealing with it...

    This is pretty savage. The market just opened and everyone sold their shit. Down 500 points in half an hour and no GOP "Nay" votes were involved. That's odd! So, your thoughts, people. Especially from we who matured on a diet of thrash metal whose themes revelled in total destruction and...
  13. Jurched

    NO Insane McCain! NO Barack Hussein!

    Yesterday, I asked my barber which candidate he supported. He said to me, "If God had wanted me to vote, He would've given me a candidate." To which I responded, "Here's something for yer bumper sticker:" "NO to Insane McCain, NO to Barack Hussein!" What in the fucking HELL is the...
  14. Jurched

    Here's another Hollywood Whore Warning She'll Pack Up and Leave

    SUSAN SARANDON, who appeared in three films last year and won kudos for her TV movie "Bernard and Doris," is still not a contented soul. She says if John McCain gets elected, she will move to Italy or Canada. She adds, "It's a critical time, but I have faith in the American people." I say...
  15. Jurched

    Obama is "a long-legged pimp," sez Reverend Manning

    Three reasons why the REVEREND Manning should be our next President: "Senator Barack Hussein Obama is a long-legged pimp" and "...the reason Senator Barack Hussein Obama stayed for so long [in that church] is because of a homosexual relationship with its minister." and "the...
  16. Jurched

    Long Island Fat-Ass Arraigned for Fake Guitars In Back of Pickup

    Judge Holds Court In Parking Lot For 500-Lb. Man RIVERHEAD, N.Y. (AP) ― A Long Island music shop owner accused of selling knockoff Gibson Les Paul guitars has been arraigned in a pickup truck in a courthouse parking lot after his lawyer said the 500-pound defendant couldn't walk into...
  17. Jurched

    Duke LaCrosse delivers another kick to the Opportunist Witch-hunters RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - More than three dozen current and former Duke lacrosse players claim in a lawsuit they suffered emotional distress during the furor over the now-discredited rape case against three of their teammates...
  18. Jurched

    Its the Ballad of... the United States!!!

    "Na na, na na, na na, NA NA, yer all fuckin DEAD! All 300 muthafuckin million of us unlucky sumbitches!!" I accidently watched a bit of the Democratic debate last night. "Na na, na na, na na, NA NA!" Holy fuckin shit! They wanna fuckin kill us! "Na na, na na, na na!" I think...
  19. Jurched

    Newest celebrity endorsement: Thrasher Billy Milano for Ron Paul? (*I wish)

    Billy Milano endorses DR. NO for President??! Well, why the fuck not? I think it would be funny. I think it would get national attention. AND... I think it would help album sales. Indulge my warped fantasy if for but a moment... NEWEST CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT: NEW YORK HARDCORE THRASHER FOR...
  20. Jurched

    Tom Cruise: The New Christ? or just a fuckin banana?

    So everyone's bitching about Tom "The Christ" Cruise acting like Josef Goebbels and militarising Scientology. I watched the video. Doesn't strike me as anything more chilling or weird than your everyday Dianetics bullshit: So he...